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Rectifying and Advancing

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The people of Samar have a long and resonant history of revolutionary struggle against exploitation and oppression. Their struggle continues to advance along the path of the Second Great Rectification Movement (SGRM). Armed with lessons, they shall continue to defeat the anti-people ploys of the reactionary regime.

ARC: Useless tool of deception

After the bogus Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law was exposed, the Ramos regime thought up the Agrarian Reform Communities (ARC) in 1995. Half a million hectares of agricultural land all over the country have already been converted to ARCs.

In Western Samar, hectares of arable land in four municipalities were declared as public land in order to establish the ARCs. The land was earmarked for the production of export crops instead of palay and corn. Certain portions were also reserved for tourist facilities. The government connives with big foreign and local capitalists in establishing ARCs in Eastern Visayas.

That ARCs were designed for counterrevolution is evident: the government distributed land to a handful of selected farmers, "rebel returnees" and retired soldiers and elements of the Citizens' Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU) to deceive the people and derail their struggle for genuine land reform. Worse, most of the peasants were forcibly evicted from their homes to give way to foreign investors.

The people would not be deceived. It was apparent to them that the regime had completely abandoned the issue of agrarian reform.

People's protests against the ARCs are ever widening. Supported by regional and national peasant associations, as well as the religious, the local civil bureaucracy and other sectors, the peasants of Samar are united in resisting this bogus "development project."

"Last 2 minutes" foiled

The ARC is not the first anti-peasant scheme of the state frustrated by the militant struggles of the people of Samar. Before this, there was the Armed Forces of the Philippines' "Last 2 minutes".

"Last 2 minutes" was a military campaign in 1994 which aimed to "erase�" the revolutionary movement "�from the map of Samar." The 8th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army mobilized the police, CAFGU, vigilantes and the local bureaucracy for combat and intelligence operations. Camps were built; villages were harassed and militarized.

The Party in Eastern Visayas had already begun waging the Rectification Movement in 1993. From close to a decade of disorientation, the mass movement was resurgent when "Last 2 minutes" was launched.

The barriofolk stood firm in the face of the reactionary army's campaign. They vigilantly monitored the enemy's movements and rallied against the intensifying militarization of their communities. Later on, the AFP found it more and more difficult to set up detachments. Not a few were expelled because of the people's militant protests.

"Last 2 minutes" was a dud. It failed to arrest the resurgence of the revolutionary movement in Samar.

Forged in the furnace of struggle

The perseverance of the people of Samar in resisting state deception and violence is the fruit of close to three decades of struggle.

It was in the '70s when the Red army began operating in Western Samar, within settler (dapon) communities. The revolutionary forces aroused, organized and mobilized the dapon. Their organized strength was forged and their anti-feudal and anti-fascist struggles advanced. In 1974, the first guerrilla front in Eastern Visayas was established in the dapon areas.

The seeds of the Red organs of political power had then been sown in some municipalities of Samar. The peasants in their numbers were mobilized for the revolution because the Party and the Army gave primary attention to the land problem. The minimum program of agrarian revolution was successfully launched. On this basis, guerrilla warfare was intensified.

However, disorientation derailed this advance. All aspects of revolutionary work were undermined. Agrarian revolution was neglected and initial victories were squandered.


The revolutionary movement in Samar is now resurgent as the SGRM advances. Specific errors and deviations, especially regarding the conduct of mass work, have been rectified.

The Party in Samar effectively used the "abanikong buklad-tiklop" method (tactic of dispersal and concentration) in recovery and reconstruction work. Units maximized their dispersal into teams (abanikong buklad or opened fan) by conducting deeper social investigation, meticulously reviewing the history of the area they were in and participating in production work and other important tasks. Whenever concentrated (abanikong tiklop or folded fan), units studied the gathered data; conducted assessments and criticism and self-criticism; and drafted and adopted plans of action.

Consequently, the revolutionary mass base in Samar is expanding and deepening once more. The minimum program of agrarian revolution is being advanced anew. The Red army's area of responsibility continues to expand. Militarization is not an obstacle in expansion. Even areas where enemy camps exist are covered by expansion work.

The enemy still dreams of eradicating the revolutionary movement in Samar. But it shall continue to be defeated by a people persevering along the path of revolutionary struggle.


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00 October 1998
English Edition

Expand and intensify the revolutionary struggle!

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Call from Ilocos-Cordillera:
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New Revisionist and Bandit Group

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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