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Fascism against the LRT workers

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The picket line of striking Light Rail Transit (LRT) workers was violently dispersed on July 27 by the pro-capitalist, antiworker and antipeople US-Estrada regime.

On July 25, some 1,000 workers struck against the LRT, one of the principal public transport systems in Metro Manila. The workers struck after the threemonth long collective bargaining agreement (CBA) negotiations between the Metro Inc. management and the Pinag-isang Lakas Manggagawa sa METRO-National Federation of Workers Unions- Kilusang Mayo Uno (PIGLAS-NFWU-KMU) ended in a deadlock.

The workers demanded a wage increase. They also denounced the imminent sale of the LRT to the Canadian SNS Lavalin International that will certainly result both in the mass layoff of workers and an arbitrary increase in the fare paid by about half a million people who ride the LRT daily. The strike gained widespread support and successfully paralyzed the LRT�s operations.

Estrada immediately ordered the troops of the Western Police District and the Special Weapons and Tactics Team to attack the picket line and arrest the strikers. Criminal charges were also filed against them.

Unfazed by threats, the workers went on with the strike. In response, 1,000 police troops, LRT Authority guards and hired goons attacked the strikers and their supporters at the Bambang, Monumento and Baclaran stations. The fascists forcibly dispersed their ranks by mercilessly using water cannons against them and dragging them along the LRT tracks. One PIGLAS member was violently arrested by the Caloocan police.

Metro Inc. (the workers� direct employer and holder of a government contract to operate the LRT) closed down to kick out the workers from their jobs and bust their union. The government employed scabs to resume LRT operations on August 1 to once more rake in profits.

All this proves once again that the state-capitalist conspiracy will not think twice in using force to subdue the struggle of workers and bust their unions to protect their interests.


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July 2000
English Edition

Intensified fascist attacks showcase the further decay of the US-Estrada regime

Estrada's proposed "emergency powers":
Betraying the regime's worsening crisis of rule

Intensifying fascism in Metro Manila
Fascism against the LRT workers
The July 22 SOMO is malicious
502nd Brigade:
Scourge of Isabela

Abduction and illegal detention of Nomer Kuan and Romeo Sanchez
The US-Estrada regime's housing program:
Deception and violence against Metro Manila's poor

Justice for the victims of Payatas!
San Roque Multipurpose Dam Project:
Gigantic burden to the people

Lessons from the Hacienda Looc struggle
Southern Tagalog�s cultural squad:
Bannering revolutionary art

Amid "unprecedented prosperity" in the US:
Oppression and wretchedness among the American workers and people

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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