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NPA's 34th Anivversary:
Response to US armed intervention

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

On its 34th anniversary, the NPA is fully prepared to further advance people's war

The advancement of the people's war is the principal task of the NPA and the entire revolutionary movement. There is greater need to hold firm to this task in the face of the intensifying national and international crisis of the ruling reactionary system. Imperialist and reactionary rule has grown more corrupt and more vicious and the revolutionary forces and people's struggle for democracy, national liberation, justice and peace has grown stronger.

The Macapagal-Arroyo regime's days are numbered. Desperate to save itself, it is worsening its allout counterrevolutionary war while further broadening and deepening US military intervention in the Philippines.

There has been no letup in the regime's attacks on the revolutionary forces and mass base. But since it doesn't stand a chance against the NPA and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the regime and the US are conspiring to directly deploy American forces against the revolutionary forces. They insist on the "war against terrorism" as a pretext to attack revolutionary forces in the Philippines.

In the face of strong opposition by the people as well as the reactionary opposition and the expos� of the regime's lies, the Bush-Macapagal-Arroyo cabal has run out of acceptable rationalizations for direct US aggression in the country. It hatched a spate of bombings in Davao City and other parts of Mindanao, putting the blame directly on the MILF and indirectly on the NPA. They have abandoned their supposed pursuit of the Abu Sayyaf and have directly stated the plan to deploy US combat troops in the bases of revolutionary forces: in North Cotabato , an MILF base; and in Occidental Mindoro, Quezon and Compostela Valley, bases of the NPA.

To clear the way for such a plan, the regime, under US urging, has scuttled the peace negotiation with the NDFP and the MILF. In its place, the Bush-Macapagal-Arroyo cabal is stressing the military approach which will be principally dependent on US aggression to try to quell the revolutionary movement. To justify this, the US and the puppet regime are asserting the "terrorist" tag on the Communist Party of the Philippines, the NPA and Comrade Jose Ma. Sison. The regime has also declared the MILF "terrorist."

The revolutionary forces are not intimidated by the threat from the regime and US imperialism. The NPA is not daunted by threats of American troop incursion into guerrilla fronts and the territories of the revolutionary movement. Once US armed forces step into guerrilla fronts, the revolutionary movement shall transform the current civil war into a national war against the US. US aggression will spark a broad patriotic opposition that can overthrow the current puppet regime or any succeeding regime that would support foreign armed aggression.

The NPA shall maintain its generally defensive stance in the current stage of the people's war. Nonetheless, any US combat force that would deploy within or along the perimeter of the territories of the revolutionary movement shall be targets of attacks by the NPA and the people. The Party, NPA and the entire revolutionary movement will continue to give their all to thwart foreign aggression and expel foreign troops from the Philippines.

The Party and the entire revolutionary movement are now putting emphasis on broadening their reach and mobilization of the people; isolating and overthrowing the out-and-out puppet, repressive and rotten US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime; and resisting escalating US military intervention. They will confront and resist other succeeding puppet regimes.

The Party and the revolutionary forces are prepared and well-deployed to further grow in strength and in an all-rounded way, to accelerate the pace of their advance and make great strides in their revolutionary efforts this year and the years to come.

Particular attention is being given to some key components in preparing the people's army and advancing the armed struggle. This is preparation as well for the increasingly imminent possibility of US military aggression against the revolutionary forces and mass base.

  • Arouse, organize and mobilize the people in their millions to take part in and support the armed struggle and mass movement. Build numerous revolutionary mass organizations, militias and Party branches in clusters of barrios, eventually covering the majority of villages and towns. Further invigorate antifeudal struggles and other mass actions. Broaden and strengthen the united front. Build closer links and coordination between the urban and rural mass movements.
  • Further broaden, link together and strengthen the guerrilla fronts and fortify them by ensuring the establishment of a basic army formation in municipalities within guerrilla fronts.
  • Stimulate NPA recruitment from the broad mass base in the countryside in accordance with standards and guidelines, as well as personnel, material and political support from the urban areas.
  • Raise the politico-military capabilities of officers and fighters to hone their political keenness, leadership and fighting ability.
  • Strive to sufficiently arm the growing ranks of the people�s army, primarily through tactical offensives.
  • Organize the platoon-size basic formations of the NPA, the company-size force in every guerrilla front, the proportionate verticalization and the system of relative concentration and dispersal, in order to become more effective in defending themselves from the enemy, fulfilling political tasks and launching tactical offensives.
  • Put in order various political work among the ranks of the reactionary armed forces.
  • Resolutely invigorate the launching of tactical offensives, especially those that have great political significance and can yield arms.

In the next years, we expect more numerous, more frequent and more widespread tactical offensives against AFP and PNP units and paramilitary forces that attack the revolutionary movement as well as against those who have grave crimes against the revolutionary movement and the people.


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22 March 2003
English Edition

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NPA's 34th Anivversary:
Response to US armed intervention
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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