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Fascist state on a rampage:
Record of the US-Arroyo regimes human rights violations

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Cases of human rights violations have increased and intensified ever since Pres. Gloria Arroyo unleashed her "war against terrorism" and her feigned war against illegal drugs nationwide.

According to KARAPATAN, a human rights watchdog, there have been 482 cases of human rights violations from January to June 2003. Compared to the 101 cases in 2002, there has been a 477% increase even before the year has ended.

In 2002, there were no less than 1,373 victims of human rights violations in Southern Mindanao. This year, there were up to 15,928 victims, representing a 1,160% increase compared to 2002 figures. Most of them are victims of food blockades (8,413) and forced evacuation (4,969). Not included in these numbers are the victims of the war against the MILF in Pikit, North Cotabato and the 191 cases of summary execution in Davao City of suspected drug pushers and users.

There is likewise a long list of human rights violations in the Bicol region. In Albay, there have been 11 recorded cases victimizing 22 individuals and two communities from January to April this year. In March, 18 cases were recorded in Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte victimizing 29 individuals and two communities. In Sorsogon, there were 23 cases and over 52 individual victims in February and the first week of March. These are aside from violations in villages where the military's Special Operations Team (SOT) has been launching operations.

The following are some of the cases of human rights violations not yet published in AB:

July 21. Elements of the 16th

IB massacred five members of a Mangyan family in Sitio Talayog, Barangay San Nicolas, Magsaysay,Occidental Mindoro. They strafed the family's house until they killed the couple Olivia and Rogelio Blanco and their children, John Kevin, 3, and Dexter, 1. Olivia was eight months pregnant at the time. Olivia's sister Len-len Batikulin was wounded.

July 14. The Western Police District

Special Weapons Action Team and guards from Intramuros violently dispersed a workers' picket in front of the Department of Labor and Employment in Intramuros, Manila.

July 12. Sgt. Edwin Bautista raped and killed a 16-year-old woman in Talubin, Bontoc, Mountain Province. The soldier shot the woman inside his own room in the barracks. The victim had been turned into a servant and sex slave in the soldiers' camp.

July 1. The military tortured then shot and killed Hever Yba�ez of Barangay Pagsabangan, New Bataan Town, Compostela Valley. The militarization of Barangay Pagsabangan by the 701st Infantry Brigade and the Scout Rangers is currently intense. A food blockade is being imposed, and the people severely terrorized and brutalized. A cannon pointed at a cluster of houses has been placed inside the school. Residents have been forced to evacuate.

First week of July. Within a week, the Davao Death Squad (DDS) killed up to 12 people in Davao City. The DDS is a clandestine vigilante group organized by Mayor Rodrigo Duterte to summarily execute suspected pushers and users of illegal drugs. After Arroyo announced her anti-drugs campaign, the number of DDS victims increased. From January to July 16, it summarily executed up to 73 victims.

June 17. For two hours, a hundred soldiers shot at a day care center, houses and crops in an Aeta community in Sitio Itanglew, Barangay San Rafael, San Marcelino, Zambales. Subsequently, the soldiers ransacked and burglarized the houses. They interrogated some of the victims about their supposed links with the NPA. When Aeta leaders reported the incident to Mayor Lydia Rodriguez of San Marcelino, she merely told them that the soldiers become hot-headed during operations. Some Aetas were forcibly recruited into the CAFGU.

June 7. Fulgencio Gabin, 70, of Barangay Gusa, San Jose de Buan, Samar

was killed in a strike operation conducted by a platoon headed by Lt. Quigao from the 34th IB Alpha Coy. It was around 5 a.m. when Gabin was summoned from his house by a CAFGU element. He was taken to a nearby stream where he was shot and repeatedly stabbed. The military brazenly lied in saying that he was carrying a .38 revolver and documents.

June. The military harassed legal organizations in Davao City by putting up a large billboard listing the names of militant organizations and their leaders. The organizations were maliciously accused of being CPP-NPA-NDFP fronts. On July 2, militants attempted to remove the billboard but were blocked by elements of the PNP and 72nd IB aboard a truck accompanied by an armored personnel carrier and a fire truck.

May 24. Two hundred armed soldiers and paramilitary forces led by a Capt. Torres staged a pre-dawn raid on a youth camp in Davao City. The fascists forcibly roused the youth aged 13-21 from their sleep while pointing their guns at them. The soldiers shouted at the youth as they were made to assemble, with soldiers rifling through their belongings. The assault lasted two hours. The soldiers carted away five cellphones, a tape recorder and a camera. The military also took video footages of the victims. The soldiers reasoned out that they received reports of the presence of armed terrorists in the youth camp.

The youth camp was conducted to help young victims of abuse and other negligence. Many of the victims were street children, child workers and prostituted children.

May. CAFGU elements under the 1st IB killed Abner Nario, 35 in his own home in Antipolo City.

Meanwhile, up to 200 Ata- Manobo were forced to evacuate

when the Alamara threatened to kill them in the event of an NPA attack. Seventy of them were children. (The Alamara is a group formed by the military as a Civilian Volunteer Organization.) At present, over 500 Ata-Manobo families have been affected by the operations of the Alamara.

The 204th IB harassed members of the national fact-finding mission (NFFM) which went to Mindoro to investigate the murder last April 21 of Eden Marcellana and Eddie Gumanoy, leaders of legal organizations. Two military squads stood watch against members of the NFFM.

April 28. Two men shot to death Jun Villanueva Jr., 54, a broadcaster of DZGB-AM in Legazpi City. Before he was killed, the Philippine Army in Ligao City sent him an invitation to report to its headquarters. Villanueva did not heed the summons.

April 24. The military killed Leo "Ka Rey" Llarena, 23, who had been rendered hors de combat, in an encounter between the NPA and the military in Tastas, Ligao, Albay. They desecrated the corpse of martyred Red fighter Eddie "Ka Ted" Armenta, 18. Two other comrades were martyred in the encounter.


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07 August 2003
English Edition

Exploit and intensify the rifts within the AFP

The regime is forcibly concealing the roots of the Makati mutiny
SONA 2003, Arroyo's fantasy
Fascist state on a rampage:
Record of the US-Arroyo regimes human rights violations
Correspondence reports:
Victories in dismantling the CAFGU in the Cordillera

Correspondence reports:
Military and CPLA behind marijuana production and trade

Victorious NPA offensives
CPP salutes Chairman Salamat Hashim

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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