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Dvelopments overseas
Liars further exposed and repudiated

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The absolute illegality and immorality of the war of aggression on Iraq and the isolation from the people of government leaders who pushed and supported it have grown much starker.

This is due to mounting evidence that they lied outright to their own people and the whole world regarding Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), the basis for waging war on Iraq. This is now turning out to be the biggest prevarication by the leaders of the US and the United Kingdom since the Watergate Scandal that forced thenpresident Richard Nixon to resign from office.

There are now calls for the impeachment of US President George W. Bush. This June, the US congress is set to start an investigation into the widespread deception of the Bush regime and the CIA, a fact that his growing political rivals are having a field day over. In the UK, the parliament has also begun its investigation of the anomalies in the intelligence reports used by Blair. President Jose Mar�a Aznar of Spain and Prime Minister John Howard of Australia are also becoming isolated. Particularly in Spain, Aznar's party lost in the recently held parliamentary election, a signal of his impending repudiation by the people in the next polls.

Some of their officials have been slowly distancing themselves from Bush, Blair and Howard in an effort to avoid being implicated in the expos� of lies and the mounting criticism against them. In the US, many of those who resigned are the likes of Press Sec. Ari Fleischer and some officials of the State Department who were directly involved in weaving the lies fed to the media and the public. Other resigned officials include Gen. Tommy Franks, commander of the American troops that invaded Iraq.

In the UK, over 70 from Blair's own party are up in arms against him. Blair's spokesperson, Godric Smith, has resigned. Earlier, House of Commons leader and former UK Foreign Secretary Robin Cook had also resigned, as with International Development Minister Clare Short and other officials in Blair's cabinet. The chiefs of MI-6 and MI-5, the UK's national intelligence agencies, have also threatened to resign.

In Australia, Andrew Wilke, senior intelligence analyst of the Office of National Assessments (the country's national intelligence agency), has resigned. Prime Minister John Howard has also begun to distance himself from his all-out support of the war, claiming that he was unaware that the information coming from Bush and Blair was falsified. He claims that his government was merely among those deceived by the US and UK.


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21 June 2003
English Edition

Arroyo, US imperialism's candidate in the 2004 elections

CPP condemns agreement exempting US from ICC prosecution
Deception in Mindanao:
Malaca�ang cooks up schemes for Arroyo's visit

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Three important lessons

Correspondence Reports
Interest rates on loans reduced, corn prices raised in Isabela and Cagayan

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9 soldiers from 52nd Recon Coy killed in NPA counteroffensive

Dean Armando Malay:
A patriotic and democratic journalist and human rights advocate

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Dvelopments overseas
Liars further exposed and repudiated
Developments overseas
More falsification

Developments overseas
Anti-US resistance grows in Iraq and Afghanistan

Developments overseas
The G8's greed in Africa

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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