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Thorough degeneration of the old party:
The fascist Baguisa clique

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The remnants of the old revisionist party have further degenerated. Under the leadership of Pedro Baguisa, its secretarygeneral, the old party has now completely veered towards fascism. Like the CAFGU and other anticommunist armed cults, this armed group serves as a paramilitary force under the 1st Scout Ranger Regiment in San Miguel, Bulacan, fights the New People's Army and wreaks havoc on the people.

In October 1999, the presence of an NPA unit was tipped off by identified leaders and members of the old party in Do�a Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan. This resulted in the death of two fighters.

Together with troops of the 7th Scout Ranger Coy, armed members of the old party also attacked a Dumagat cooperative in the area of Ipo Dam. They terrorized the indigenous masses and stole sacks of rice. The Dumagat cooperative was targeted because it was being used by the masses to break free from the merchant-usurers who used to control the rattan trade. Some of the biggest merchant-usurers who exploit the indigenous people in the area are leaders of the old party.

On January 21, 10 armed goons wearing bonnets who were identified as leaders and members of the Aniban ng mga Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (AMA) entered a community along the boundary of Norzagaray and Do�a Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan and terrorized the peasants and fisherfolk. They tied up a suspected NPA supporter, beat him up and forced him to reveal the whereabouts of the NPA unit. The following day, they ambushed an NPA team. The latter fought back and safely withdrew.

Presently, the fascist clique of the old party continues to sow terror along the boundary of these two towns. They continue to collaborate with AFP and PNP troops in terrorizing the people in different areas of the Sierra Madre in Bulacan.

The old party has been thoroughly exposed and has completely degenerated after being swallowed up by revisionism and openly surrendering to and collaborating with the USMarcos dictatorship in 1973. However, because of our vacillation in opposing revisionism in the latter part of the 1980s and the resulting Right opportunist alliances we formed with the anticommunist petty bourgeois groups, the old party was given the opportunity to mend its tattered reputation and infiltrate the ranks of the democratic movement.

They celebrated momentarily, in chorus with the reactionary regime and the anti-communist petty bourgeois groups, when the anti-Party demolition campaign started in 1993. However, by reaffirming the antirevisionist stand and basic Marxist-Leninist-Maoist principles, and due to the reinvigoration of the revolutionary struggle, the Party is now able to sharply expose the rottenness and bankruptcy of the old party as well as the revisionism and opportunism of the anticommunist elements and grouplets.

Presently, the remnants of the old party constitute a vanishing kingdom ruled by its opportunist leaders. It survives in some parts of Bulacan, collaborating with the military's counterrevolutionary campaign and ravaging the people. Baguisa's pretensions to being a communist and his "Marxist-Leninist" phrase-mongering are desperate attempts to conceal his fascism and capitulation to imperialism and reaction.

However, even if Baguisa should weave a very complex web of deception, his treachery could no longer be concealed.


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January 2000
English Edition

The people and the revolutionary movement will defeat the US-Estrada regime's military solution

On intensifying AFP aggression against the MILF-BIAF
Prisoners of war:
The US-Estrada regime is sabotaging the release of Martin and Buan

13 Victorious tactical offensives launched in Southern Tagalog!
A big head blow through accumulated small victories
Onward to 2000
NPA tactical offensives resume in Negros
The US-Estrada regime's blatant fascist and terrorist rule in Southern Tagalog
Armando "Ka Sixto" Cerna Jr.:
Victim of the fascist regime's cruelty

Balikatan 2000:
Intensified militarization in Central Luzon

Intensifying fascism in the cities:
Violent dispersals and dismantling of pickets

Thorough degeneration of the old party:
The fascist Baguisa clique
Norberto Manero:
Portrait of a mercenary and cold-blooded murderer

Conrado Balweg punished
Cagayan Valley:
Overcoming conservatism and advancing anew

Russian aggression in Chechnya:
Expanding the Russian empire

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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