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Wanton opportunism and decadence

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

'Tis the season for reactionary elections. Again, we are witness to the wanton opportunism, the utter lack of principle and the brazen decadence that become more prominent every time election season comes. Candidates suddenly change parties and embrace new allies and coalitions. Even the erstwhile bitterest rivals become allies. What drives them to do all this is no other than the unabashed desire to advance their personal interest and political ambition and their hunger for power. The jockeying, collusion and maneuverings among the reactionary ruling classes know no bounds. In truth, reactionary parties and political coalitions are no different from one another. Which is why the shape and content of reactionary alliances keep on changing.

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's opportunism is relentless, limitless and blatant. She chose as her running mate the senator, broadcaster and Lopez prot�g� Noli de Castro to corner the political and financial support of the powerful comprador-bourgeois family. She also relies on de Castro's popularity to shore up her sagging reputation. This is in exchange for many promised concessions to Meralco, Maynilad Water Services, Benpres Holdings and other big businesses owned by the Lopezes.

Arroyo has furthered her opportunism with the kind of people she has chosen for her party's senatorial slate. Among them are principal Estrada allies Miriam Defensor-Santiago, John Osme�a and Orlando Mercado, Estrada's former defense secretary. Arroyo's selection of these three is part of her compromise with Estrada, whose People's Movement Against Poverty (PMAP) remains behind Defensor.

Even the social-democratic and reformist groups that supported Arroyo's ascendance to power are concerned by her dalliance with people who come from the hated Marcos and Estrada camps.

Arroyo's principal rival candidate, the movie star Fernando Poe Jr. is not much different.

No one believes their reasoning that their actions are meant to foster "unity," "reconciliation," and the "healing of wounds." Reactionary politicians, their political parties and coalitions and the entire run of reactionary elections in the Philippines lack seriousness and have merely become ludicrous.
Aside from Estrada's son Jinggoy, and Juan Ponce Enrile, Ernesto Maceda, Francisco Tatad, Jamby Madrigal and Didagen Dilangalen, who are all with the Estrada camp and are fierce defenders of Estrada, Poe's senatorial slate includes Imee Marcos, the daughter of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos. Carlos Padilla, a close supporter of Panfilo Lacson, is also a candidate in Poe's coalition and will supposedly serve as liaison between Poe and Lacson.

Poe's running mate is Loren Legarda, who imprudently joined a party full of personalities close to Estrada.

No one believes their reasoning that their actions are meant to foster "unity," "reconciliation," and the "healing of wounds." In truth, reactionary politicians, their political parties and coalitions and the entire run of reactionary elections in the Philippines lack seriousness and have merely become ludicrous.

This goes in tandem with the other face of reactionary elections and reactionary politics in the country. There is serious fraud, vote-buying, deception and intense violence not only among rival reactionary politicians and their supporters, but worse, against progressive parties and forces and other people.

Behind all this is the essential character of reactionary elections. They serve as the means by which the reactionary ruling classes deceive the people into believing the alleged existence of democracy even as they resolve who among them will take charge of the fascist state that will safeguard their common reactionary interests, further their exploitation and oppression of the people and suppress the people's resistance.


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07 January 2004
English Edition

Wanton opportunism and decadence
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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