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The Bush regime can no longer deny the absence of WMD in Iraq

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For the very first time, the Bush regime was forced to admit on January 30 that it had no evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) before the US attacked it in March 2003. The US deviously used as its scapegoat the lie about the threat posed to world peace by Iraq's WMD.

Prior to this came the resignation on January 24 of David Kay, chief consultant of the Iraq Survey Group (ISG), a 1,200- strong team formed in July by the Bush government in the name of the "Coalition of the Willing" to try and find any evidence of the existence of large volumes of WMD in Iraq. The ISG was formed after the UN Weapons Inspection Team and many others had already established that there were no significant indications of WMD in Iraq.

Before he became ISG's chief consultant, Kay was Vice President of the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), a private company involved in US "counter-terrorist" wars in other countries. It has a US$650 million contract to service and support the US Army in Iraq and also has contracts for the manufacture of WMD-type US equipment such as mobile biological vans.

According to Kay, all that was found in Iraq were remains of previous WMD that Iraq unilaterally destroyed and no longer revived after the first US attack in 1991. Small and insignificant laboratories were also found which may have been used then for biological weapons research.

A number of highly placed officials of the US Army and the Central Intelligence Agency have also admitted that they had long known that there were no large quantities of WMD in Iraq even before the US invasion. Paul O'Neill, Bush's former Secretary of Treasury also disclosed that the plan to invade Iraq was hatched even before the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US. He also claimed that at no time were weapons of mass destruction discussed in relation to the planned attack. O'Neill, who used to be a close friend of the Bush family, is now one of the Bush regime's main detractors, exposing its darkest secrets, its lack of intellectual depth and its brazen prevarications.

These events have exposed the hollowness of the Bush doctrine of "preemptive strike" against countries that US imperialism paints as threats to US national security.

These issues have brought to the fore the unbridled aggression of US imperialism under Bush's neoconservative leadership. He will do everything and manufacture the most barefaced and most calculating lies to justify the aggressive, avaricious and oppressive expansion and maintenance of its superpower might.

Meanwhile, there is no stopping the opposition and fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The people's resistance to the occupation forces cannot be suppressed, whether through military "pacification", installing a puppet government and army, political deception or various forms of bribery, including the promise of sovereignty being peddled by the US.


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07 February 2004
English Edition

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The Bush regime can no longer deny the absence of WMD in Iraq
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