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 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino


The Party and the revolutionary movement in Eastern Visayas continue to reap victories consequent to the Second Great Rectification Movement.

According to Larab, the region�s revolutionary mass paper, the most significant gain was achieved in launching the educational campaign which ideologically, politically and organizationally consolidated the entire Party membership.

Based on the Party�s regional assessment in the latter part of 1998, Party membership increased by 26% in Eastern Visayas since July 1996. The number of organized masses grew by 48% in the same period.

The New People�s Army (NPA) marked a 111% increase in membership. From July 1996 to the last quarter of 1998, the NPA launched 38 military actions and confiscated 33 firearms of assorted caliber as well as rounds of ammunition. There were 30 enemy casualties including two captains and a lieutenant.

Meanwhile, the NPA ambushed a PNP unit in Brgy. Laygayon, Pinabacdao, Samar last December 2. According to Larab, a policeman was killed while another escaped. A pistol was confiscated in the ambush.


Without firing a single shot, the NPA successfully raided the hacienda of Jejomar Binay, head of the Metro Manila Development Authority and ex-mayor of Makati City. Eight assorted firearms were seized.

It was in the morning of February 13 when the NPA penetrated Binay�s 60-hectare piggery and breeding farm for fighting cocks in Bgy. Maligaya, Rosario, Batangas. The guards mistook the NPA for military troops, allowing the Red fighters to enter the hacienda premises. The NPA confiscated two M16s, two shotguns, four pistols, one telescope, one cellular phone and one handheld radio.


Four succesful sparrow operations against the enemies of the people were launched by the NPA in Camarines Sur in November and December 1998.

According to Silyab, Bicol�s revolutionary mass paper, the NPA punished Cpl. Rodel R. Rondario of the 42nd IB last November 14 in Bgy. Baya, Ragay, Camarines Sur. An M203 rifle was seized from Rondario. The 42nd IB to which Rondario belongs has perpetrated crimes such as rape and robbery against Ragay residents.

Last November 1 and December 4, Jaime Pimentel and Armando Alicaway were punished with death in Bgy. Calagbangan and Bgy. Villazar, respectively, both in the town of Sipocot. A .45 and a magazine were confiscated from Alicaway. Both Alicaway and Pimentel were bad elements. Roberto Solis, an informer, was also punished by the NPA last November 2 in Bgy. Balaogan, Bula, Camarines Sur.

In the meantime, the people of Camarines Sur continue to condemn the acts of violence ceaselessly perpetrated by troops of the reactionary armed forces, particularly the 1st and 42nd Infantry Battalions. They likewise assailed the bad elements who roam Camarines Sur and persist in committing crimes.


Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties launched the International Seminar on Mao and People�s War last December 1998 in celebration of Comrade Mao Zedong�s 105th birth anniversary.

Twenty-seven parties and organizations participated in international seminar. Of these, six were Maoist parties engaged in people�s war while 21 were parties and organizations supportive of people�s war.

Discussed were Comrade Mao Zedong�s teachings on people�s war. The participants upheld their significance and necessity in advancing national liberation movements, the broad anti-imperialist movement and the international proletarian revolution.

As a result, the delegates attained a higher level of unity regarding their understanding of the crisis of the world capitalist system and the relevance of Mao and people�s war. Despite differences in viewpoint, the participants likewise declared their readiness to continue conducting political and ideological discussions and simultaneously carry practical duties towards greater unity.

The seminar issued a General Declaration on Mao and People�s War and adopted resolutions on important issues.


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00 January 1999
English Edition

Impose revolutionary punishment on Imelda and other cohorts of the Marcos dictatorship

Fascist violence and counterrevolutionary war in the countryside
The fascist crimes of Gen. Panfilo Lacson in Cebu
Against Lacson�s Warrantless Arrest
NPA arrests AFP General, 2 other officers
Who is considered a combatant?
Along the path of steadfast advance

NDF-MILF Alliance
Unity and cooperation against the reactionary enemy

In the name of the law
Landgrabbing in Cagayan Valley

Long live proletarian internationalism!
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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