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State of human rights in the country

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The state of human rights in the country is bound to worsen in the next six years under Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

In an assessment of the Arroyo regime's record from 2001 to the first half of this year, KARAPATAN said it foresees a rise in human rights violations in the Philippines with the regime's enforcement of Arroyo's "strong republic" and its zealous advancement of the US' "anti-terrorist" war.

It may be recalled that before "Balance Piston 04-03" ended in Central Mindanao, AFP chief Gen. Narciso Abaya confirmed that 18 more joint military exercises between the US and the Philippines would be held this year. With the US' military presence and intervention in the country also on the rise, campaigns against the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)-led armed revolutionary movement waged by the New People's Army (NPA) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)-led Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Force (BIAF) are bound to intensify.

As the civil liberties of the broad masses are suppressed, the oppression and exploitation of the toiling masses are likewise expected to heighten due to non-stop attacks by the fascist state on the legal democratic movement. As a result, there will be more and more people arrested for political offenses but slapped with criminal cases.

Meanwhile, the regime continues to turn a deaf ear to the clamor for justice by victims of human rights violations, especially under the Marcos dictatorship. It remains uncertain when the 10,000 victims of human rights violations under martial law will be justly compensated despite court rulings in their favor both in the Philippines and the US.

Growing list of human rights violations (2001-2004)

Persons forcibly evacuated or rendered homeless:113,211
Persons victimized by threats, harassment and intimidation:26,093
Victims of destruction to property:12,067
Victims of loss of property: 8,966
Victims of illegal searches:5,786
Victims of coercion:1,559
Victims of food and economic blockades:1,337
Victims of physical attack:1,289
Victims of "hamletting":1,236
Victims of illegal arrest and detention:1,191
Persons reconcentrated in "hamlets�:896
Victims of arbitrary and illegal detention:676
Victims of summary execution/massacre:319
Victims of torture:183
Victims of attempted murder:59


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07 September 2004
English Edition

Resist the imposition of added burdens on the people

Aggressively expand the working class movement!
Resist the AJ, onward with the strike
The Communist Party: Establishing roots in the workers' movement
State of human rights in the country
Facist State on a Rampage
Worsening media repression
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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