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Terrorist crimes of the US and its fascist puppets

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

After World War II, US imperialism unleashed unprecedented violence on the world, in a desperate attempt to stem the tide of anti-imperialist, national liberation and socialist movements. In this period, an estimated 8,000,000 people were killed by US terrorism and military actions. The US scornfully brands civilian targets as "collateral damage". Among its most brutal crimes are the following:

Vietnam War: The US waged war on Vietnam from 1954-1975 to thwart the efforts of the People's Democratic Republic of Vietnam to reunite North and South Vietnam under its leadership. More than four million people were killed when the US used napalm bombs (a type of incendiary bomb), dropped thousands of tons of conventional bombs and unleashed chemical weapons aside from hamletting the population and incarcerating, torturing and indiscriminately firing on them. Among the victims were 500 people who were massacred in the the village of My Lai in March 1968. Another heinous crime was the spraying of more than 18 million gallons of Agent Orange, a chemical that killed and poisoned more than 1.6 million hectares of land and mountainous areas. This also caused the outbreak of numerous diseases among the people. As a result of exposure to Agent Orange, a large percentage of pregnant women suffer miscarriages or give birth to infants with congenital defects.

Korean War: In a desperate bid to block the expansion of the democratic and socialist government throughout the entire Korean peninsula, US imperialism launched a war against the people of Korea from 1950 to 1953. About 2.8 million people died due to bombings or strafing of civilian population centers and the execution of prisoners of war. A distinct example is the American soldiers' massacre of hundreds of South Korean civilians in No Gun Rin in 1950.

Support of fascist regimes: The US supported the 1954 coup d'�tat in Guatemala that resulted in four decades of fascist rule and the death of more than 120,000 Guatemalan peasants.

The US was also behind the 1973 coup d'�tat that overthrew the progressive government of Salvador Allende in Chile and resulted in the killing of 30,000 people. Also, in 1965, the US supported Suharto's coup d'�tat against the Sukarno government in Indonesia. Suharto ordered the killing of more than 800,000 Indonesians and the imprisonment of more than 500,000. When the Suharto regime occupied East Timor in 1975, more than 250,000 innocent civilians were massacred with the direct knowledge of the highest-ranking US officials.

In the Philippines, the US supported martial law which Marcos imposed in 1972. In 24 years of Marcos dictatorial rule, thousands were killed and more than 40,000 activists and oppositionists were imprisoned.

Iran, 1953: The US conspired with British imperialism to overthrow the government of Mohammed Musaddiq after the latter nationalized the oil industry. The kingdom of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was restored to power. Under his rule from 1953 to 1979, more than 70,000 Iranis were killed.

Palestine: The US and Great Britain instituted the Zionist occupation of Palestine through the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. The Palestinian people continue to resist Israel. In 1987, during the Intifada, more than 300 Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers and more than 11,500 people were wounded, majority of whom were under 15 years of age. By the mid-1990s, more than 800 had been killed and 16,000 imprisoned. The US supports Israel's continued attacks against the Palestinian people.

Libya: The US launched unbridled attacks and bombed the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi in Libya in the 1980s. The US likewise imposed an economic embargo to apply further pressure.

Cuba: The US attempted to overthrow the Cuban government by bombing the latter's airbases and launching an attack by more than 1,000 Contras trained by the Central Intelligence Agency. An economic embargo has been imposed on Cuba for more than 40 years. To enforce the embargo, US warships regularly patrol the seas surrounding Cuba.

Nicaragua and El Salvador, 1980s: The US directly supported and trained the Contra terrorist group to overthrow the anti-US government in Nicaragua. More than 30,000 innocent citizens were killed by the Contras' rabid attacks. Part of the Contras' schemes was to plant mines in shipping ports.

In El Salvador, the US actively supported the counterrevolutionary war that resulted in the death of 80,000 people.

Panama: Eight thousand people were killed in December 1989 when the US attacked Panama to capture the president, Gen. Manuel Noriega, a druglord and former CIA agent. The US invoked Noriega's involvement in drug pushing as a pretext. The bigger reason was Noriega's insistence on Panamanian control over the Panama Canal and his withdrawal of support for the Contras in Nicaragua.

Iraq: More than 200,000 Iraqi citizens, including women and children, were killed by US bombings of civilian establishments and public infrastructure in 1991. One of the most evil deeds perpetrated by the US was the criminal elimination on February 26-27, 1991 of tens of thousands of retreating Iraqi soldiers along the 60-mile highway lining the Kuwaiti shoreline. The continuing imposition of an "economic embargo" on Iraq has resulted in the deaths of more than 1.5 million Iraqis, including 5,000 children who die each month.

Yugoslavia, 1999: Yugoslavia was relentlessly bombed to oust the Milosevic government and to impose the authority of US imperialism in the Balkan Peninsula. Prior to this, the US and Germany fomented ethnic wars by funding and arming the various ethnic groups and inciting nationalism and racism. Hundreds of thousands died in the ethnic wars in Croatia (1991-92) and in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992-1995) when these states seceded from Yugoslavia, while millions were displaced from their countries and deprived of their livelihood.


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September 2001
English Edition

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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