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Oppose the US-Arroyo regime's fascist measures

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The Arroyo regime has found a new excuse to revive measures that would curtail civil liberties. A series of bombings in the cities of General Santos, Davao and Makati on February 14 that killed at least 10 people and injured scores of others are now being invoked as basis for the alleged necessity to carry out more draconian measures against terrorism.

The Arroyo regime is now pushing fascist schemes like the National ID System, warrantless arrests, detention without charges for up to 30 days, wiretapping and other means of electronic surveillance and the registration of subscriber identification modules (SIM) for prepaid subscribers of cellphone services. On the whole, these are the same measures that the Ramos and Estrada regimes advanced but failed to enact.

Malaca�ang has certified these bills urgent in the face of supposedly worsening threats of terrorism.

The Arroyo regime wants to use these fascist measures to give it free rein to suppress any attempt to wage resistance to its rule. It is itching for the all-out use of a mailed fist policy against anyone opposed to the regime's antipeople policies such as the imposition of additional taxes and the total surrender of the national patrimony to foreign interests through the Mining Act of 1995.

The worker masses face further violence in asserting their right to a living wage and humane working conditions, to organize and strike and to other just benefits. The peasant masses face similar violence in their struggle for genuine land reform. And professionals and other middle forces face the same in their struggle for just salaries, job security and other rights.

The Arroyo regime's imperialist masters applaud the curtailment of the people's civil liberties because it dovetails the Bush government's international "anti-terrorist" campaign. In support, Bush has promised the puppet government more military aid.

Coinciding with the regime's trampling of democratic rights is intensified US military intervention. For now, the US uses joint military exercises and so-called humanitarian missions to steadily increase the number of American troops operating within the Philippines. Espionage, both by local and US intelligence agencies is bound to intensify.

All this is intended to raise the level of the counterrevolutionary war, crush any opposition to further repression by the state's fascist forces and suppress any opposition to the added burdens imposed by the Arroyo regime, its imperialist masters, giant monopoly corporations, the comprador big bourgeoisie and big landlords.

In the countryside where martial law has long ruled, cases of salvaging, arbitrary arrest, ransacking of homes and indefinite detention are bound to grow.

In the face of these massive threats to their most basic rights, the people must unite to expose and oppose, thwart or put a stop altogether to the Arroyo regime's plan to unleash state terrorism nationwide. Under Arroyo's fascist scheme, there will be no distinctions between those engaged in legal or illegal, open or underground, armed or unarmed actions. Only the people's unified strength can put an end to the regime's plan to brazenly violate their rights.


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21 February 2005
English Edition

Oppose the US-Arroyo regime's fascist measures
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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