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International opposition to invasion of Iraq widespread

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

In almost two years of bribery, coercion and active campaigning by the US, support for US imperialism's plan to invade and occupy Iraq remains tenuous. Instead, the movement against US imperialism's destructive and plundering bellicose policy has further intensified and expanded along with opposition even from its own allied governments.

US officials are hard put justifying plans to wage war on Iraq. Iraq is being forced to destroy weapons of mass destruction that have yet to be seen and whose possession Iraq continues to deny.

After the United Nations weapons inspection team failed to prove the existence of these weapons, the US is now forcing others to accept its "evidence" on the existence of the weapons of mass destruction supposedly gathered by its "intelligence" community as a "solid basis" for the war it wishes to wage.

Clearly, the US is merely concocting issues to justify its invasion of Iraq with the aim of setting up puppet regime, controlling Iraqi oil reserves and enhancing its strength as the sole international superpower.

The US brags that its actions are not premised on other countries' approval. According to Bush, the US will invade Iraq even if must do it alone and no matter what others might say. The US continues to build up its forces in the Persian Gulf and Kuwait, where there are now more than 70,000 American troops.

In the face of all this, worldwide opposition from peoples and governments to the US' disregard for the principles and processes of international relations and the right of the Iraqi people to self-determination is spreading. More and more people believe that it is the US, and not Iraq, that poses the biggest threat to world security, and that it is the US that should dismantle its own arsenal of weapons of mass destruction.

Growing numbers of countries are distancing themselves from the US' bellicose policy and its readiness to use its economic, political and military power to ensure a firmer grip on the world as the sole superpower. Among those strongly opposed to waging war on Iraq are large member-countries of the United Nations Security Council like Russia, China, France and Germany. These countries have their own interests in the Middle East and are worried that the substantial oil reserves in Iraq will be placed under US power. Most countries have been warning the US not to preempt the UN with a unilateral declaration of war.

In its intense anger over Germany's strong opposition to the war, the US has classified it along with anti-imperialists Cuba and Libya as countries that are "unreliable in the war against Iraq" and warned that they would pay for it after the conflict. For the US, this new classification comes second to the "Axis of Evil" composed of Iraq, Iran and North Korea.

Aside from the Philippines and Australia, none of the US� other allied countries in the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East openly and zealously supports it. Only a few governments in other parts of the globe rabidly support the US. One of them is Tony Blair�s government in the United Kingdom, which is quickly being isolated from the British people because of its connivance with the US in waging war on Iraq.

Within the US, more and more Americans are opposing their government�s bellicose foreign policy. They continue to wage huge demonstrations that equal the gigantic rallies against the US war of aggression on the Vietnamese people from the 1960s to the mid-1970s. Various organizations and sectors are actively arousing, mobilizing and organizing the American people against the US� latest scheme. They respond to every bellicose move and repressive policy by the Bush government by waging lively and vibrant protest actions.

In various parts of the globe, from the streets of Europe up to Latin America and Asia, millions of people are joining humongous demonstrations to oppose US plans to invade Iraq.

The international united front against the US� arrogant and unilateral threat to wage war on Iraq continues to expand. At the core of such unity are the proletarian revolutionary forces that are the most thoroughgoing in their anti-imperialist stand and in defending Iraq�s sovereignty.

Anti-imperialists and revolutionary forces and other protesters outrightly condemn US imperialism�s bellicose policies and character. They cry out not only their opposition to plans to invade Iraq but also their call to put a stop to all of US imperialism�s wars of aggression in various parts of the world.


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February 2003
English Edition

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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