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The Rights of Filipino Children:
Organizing children

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Our perseverance in revolutionary struggle is our gift to children and to future generations of the toiling masses. Thus, we pay special attention to the care and nurture of the young as the most beloved children of the revolution. Organizing children�s groups and conducting activities focused on the needs of the young in the realm of health, literacy, culture, politics and the economy are considered part of the duties of Party units.

These serve to expand and deepen the revolutionary mass base and advance the national democratic revolution.

At present, our experience in organizing children is richer in the countryside. Here, children�s groups are formed upon the initiative of the barrio organizing committees. Children�s groups are administered and guided by women�s or youth groups or committees. Through various methods appropriate for their age, the children are guided to understand that only a revolution can end the social system that tramples on their rights as children and exploits the people.

The children are taught to read and write. They are also taught basic knowledge about nature and science. Community projects are launched to provide the children with clean surroundings, basic medical services and nutritious food. Various children�s contests and games are launched to help them build strong bodies and develop the spirit of cooperation and love for others.

The children are also taught to perform simple duties for the revolution. For example, they are taught to sing revolutionary songs, recite stories or poems of struggle and shout slogans especially during mass actions which they and their parents join. The children also carry out very important tasks in passing on messages concerning the movement of comrades and mass organizations and in actively assisting in production work.

While children are deliberately excluded from combat and military work, the significance and need for armed struggle, the decadent character of the reactionary army and the noble history and aspirations of the people�s army are clarified to them. In simplest terms, the children are taught about clandestine methods, including the importance of guarding very sensitive information such as anything that concerns the membership of committees and the movement of comrades in their area.

Children who are victims of reactionary military violence are immediately cared for and their wounds attended to, and are provided with moral support as they overcome their trauma. Their steadfastness in the face of hardships is recognized and hailed as models to be emulated.

Special attention is also given to the children of fighters. Revolutionary barrio committees help the families both of comrades and revolutionary martyrs as much as they can to meet their most basic needs.

Amid crisis and the reactionary government�s oppression of the people and of children, the revolutionary struggle of the toiling masses is fast intensifying. Side by side with the continuous development, expansion and deepening of the revolutionary mass base all over the country, more and more children are embracing the revolution as they hold fast to their dream of a free, just and peaceful future for the entire nation.


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12 November 1999
English Edition

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The Rights of Filipino Children:
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The Rights of Filipino Children:
Organizing children
The Rights of Filipino Children:
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The Rights of Filipino Children:
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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