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Revolutionary unionism expands, gains strength

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

Since the Second National Conference of the Revolutionary Workers' Movement was held in September 1998, the revolutionary workers' movement has continuously reaped successes especially in Party building and consolidation. According to comrades under the National Organization Department (NOD), this is the concrete result of the correct policies and tasks set in 1998.

Together with intensively organizing workers for the revolution (culminating in the establishment of revolutionary unions and Party branches in factories), comrades have also stepped up organizing work among the even greater number of non-unionized workers as well as those under yellow union leaders or federations.

Within the three-year program period outlined by the conference, the number of Party members and union activists grew by 300%. From 1998 up to the end of 2002, the number of unions under the department increased by 70%.

This rapid rate of development continues up to the present. Currently, 60% of unions covered by the NOD are either revolutionary unions or are in various levels of development towards becoming revolutionary unions. A union can be considered revolutionary when a significant number of its members have been recruited into the Party. It is likewise able to launch local struggles to improve the economic conditions and assert the democratic rights of its members.

The aforementioned revolutionary unions under the NOD are likewise active in the struggle against the state's anti-worker, anti-union and anti-strike offensive. They also actively participate in mobilizations against intensifying fascism and US military intervention, and are conscious of their role in advancing the people's democratic revolution.

Party building. At present, no limit is set by the NOD on how many members a Party branch could have. Although there are small branches that have less than 15 members, branches usually have over 30 members. In one of the most developed factories under the NOD, over 60% of the workers are Party branch members.

Based on the last five years' experience, building the Party and the underground revolutionary movement has proceeded apace. The key to such success is firm compliance with the resolutions on solid organizing adopted during the conference. In one factory, for example, a Party branch and an underground movement was organized within a mere three months from the time contact with the workers was established. In five more months, the number of Party members grew six-fold.

Tempered by experience. Organizing in the factory grew more rapidly as the workers were tempered in an intense struggle to defend their union rights.

The workers had tried several times to organize a union but failed each time because they happened to link up with yellow federations. They only succeeded in forming a genuine, militant and patriotic union after a militant federation established contact with them.

The capitalist, however, also reacted swiftly. Noticing the workers' initial steps to form a union, he tried to set up a runaway shop by bringing out all his machinery to operate them elsewhere. The workers did not yield. They barricaded all entrances and exits until the capitalist had no choice but to negotiate with them. The capitalist has since recognized the union and negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) are currently taking place.

Struggle against yellow unionism. In another factory, the workers launched a struggle to break free from the clutches of a yellow federation. The workers had been trying for years to oust their yellow leaders.

The workers were further steeled in the process of waging an intense struggle. The number of activists belonging to underground groups grew. Within three months, a regular-size Party branch had also been set up. Its membership more than doubled after three more months. Organizing work is now being conducted among daily and monthly wage workers, supervisors, and even factory guards. A large branch now directs the Party work of the various branch groups in the factory.

The number of Party members has grown large enough for the branch to carry out tasks outside the factory. Most of them organize in nearby factories and in surrounding communities.

Support for the armed struggle. One of the branches and revolutionary unions' main tasks is to support the armed struggle. Each branch has adopted a guerrilla front to support in regions that need help the most. They continuously gather material support, including guns, ammunition and other military equipment. But the revolutionary workers' movement's most important contribution is the scores of new fighters it deploys to the New People's Army every year.

Recently, a large number out of the hundreds of contractual workers fired from their jobs decided to go to the countryside and join the NPA.

These are but two of the many factories throughout the archipelago from which the Party and the revolutionary movement draw their basic strength.


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07 October 2003
English Edition

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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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