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Women Against Balikatan

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

One of the most colorful, militant and lively commemorations of International Women's Day took place on March 8 with a rally in Mendiola. Most of the 4,000 or so who joined the rally were women workers, urban poor and rank-and-file government employees. Women students, migrant workers, teachers, health personnel, church people and other sectors also joined the mass action. Men likewise supported and participated in the march.

The women condemned Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo for her out-and-out treachery to the country and called for her ouster. The women also demanded the expulsion of American troops from the country.

The rallyists burned an effigy of Macapagal-Arroyo that portrayed her pro-US and militarist stand and her disregard for the problems besetting the masses of the people.

In Mindanao, the All Women Coalition Against US Troops led an eight-day "silent protest" against Balikatan that culminated in rallies on March 8 in the cities of Davao, Ozamis and General Santos.

Wearing white or black, the women launched their "silent protest" in communities, schools and malls. Up to 300 women from various sectors gathered at Freedom Park in Davao City carrying placards and streamers with slogans calling for the ejection of American troops from the country.

In a statement, the Makabayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan (Makibaka) assailed Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo for allowing the entry of American troops in the country. Said Makibaka: "Despite being a woman herself, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is an enemy of Filipino women. She is a puppet and a militarist leader who does not enjoy the support of women, especially from the ranks of the toiling masses.."

Makibaka also said that "...they (American troops) came in to protect the US' vast economic interests in the country, especially in the resource-rich island of Mindanao..Not only do they serve as instruments for the systematic spread of prostitution and human rights violations, they also ruin the country's economy, politics and culture and subject them to their control.."

In a statement entitled "A call to the best sons and daughters of the country", Makibaka likewise called on women to live among and eventually join the NPA especially in these times of intensifying US imperialist intervention in the country.


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March 2002
English Edition

Editorial: Unite the people against the puppetry, brutality and corruption of the Macapagal-Arroyo regime!
Major cases of corruption under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime
Conflicts among reactionaries intensifying and leading to turmoil and violence
A reprise: US armed intervention in the Philippines
Women Against Balikatan
The US war of aggression in Mindanao (1899-1913)
Psywar campaign against NPA instigated by CIA
AFP propaganda against the NPA
AFP black propaganda belied by NPA-Abra
People wage effective resistance against Mining Act of 1995
Fascist state on a rampage
Fascist attacks on Bayan Muna
NPA metes punishment on social menaces in Leyte
Macapagal-Arroyo regime discards peace talks
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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