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Assert and defend the people's legal and democratic struggle

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The violent and severe repression of the struggling people by the reactionary state and other fascist forces has been occurring in rapid succession and is on the rise.

Just recently, several more have been added to the long list of victims of repression by the AFP and its paramilitary forces with the brutal murder of four youth activists in Compostela Valley, Mindanao and the abduction of another activist in Cebu. (See related article)

Prior to this, the killings of journalists critical of the corruption, decadence and violence of the reactionary government and bureaucracy, opportunist politicians, military leaders, criminal syndicates and other elements that ravage and rule society had already become striking.

The worsening fascist terror indicates the fascists' desperation to repress the intensifying people's struggle. The reactionary state and the fascist forces under the current leadership of President Arroyo have become increasingly intolerant of workers, peasants and other oppressed and exploited sectors. In the main, the most violent fascist attacks have been directed at the legal democratic forces that dare expose and criticize the severe governmental, state and societal oppression, rottenness and inutility they have witnessed, and persist in arousing, organizing and mobilizing the people. The regime fears greatly the actions taken by the democratic forces to expose the most recent and serious cases detailing Malaca�ang's brazenly shameless and large-scale corruption, and to call for Gloria Arroyo's ouster.

As a result of the AFP's failure to stem the growing strength of the revolutionary armed struggle, it now trains its guns and cannons on unarmed civilians and activists, rationalizing its human rights violations with the oft-repeated line that its targets are mere "communist fronts."

The present regime and its US imperialist master know no bounds in their ambition to unleash repression. They have continuously and repeatedly attempted and maneuvered to have fascist measures, such as the National ID system and counter-terrorism bills legislated.

In the face of these developments, the revolutionaries and democratic forces and the mass media, among others, must pay close attention to and daringly expose and denounce the fascist state and its butchers, especially the masterminds of unabashed fascist terrorism whose aim is to cower the people and force the retreat of the people's struggle. We must continuously call on the people not to remain silent but to instead turn grief to courage and resistance and to take measures to strengthen the protest movement against fascism and reaction. There is need to step up our determination and vigor to arouse, organize and mobilize the broad masses of the people. We must encourage the youth to root themselves more broadly and more deeply among their fellow youth and the masses of the people. We must also pay particular attention to mobilizing the middle forces and enlisting their assistance.

We must likewise be ever vigilant in order to resist and prevent measures that may lead to the imposition of open fascist rule. We must persevere in the struggle to bring down this repressive regime and eventually overthrow the entire fascist state and reactionary system and realize a genuinely democratic, pro-people and independent people's government.

Along with being a manifestation of the democratic forces and the people's heightened indignation and protests, the intensification of terrorism by state and fascist forces also brings about the advance of the people's revolutionary armed resistance. In fact, intensified fascist terror likewise indicates how far the struggle between revolution and counterrevolution has developed and the extent to which the regime and the fascist forces fear the growing strength of revolutionary armed resistance. The Arroyo regime and the fascists themselves are teaching a growing number of people that there is no hope under the ruling system. The ruling system's unrestrained cruelty and violence push the people to take the road of revolutionary social change. As fascist terror intensifies, more and more people join and support the armed revolution.


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07 October 2003
English Edition

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, number one hypocrite

Assert and defend the people's legal and democratic struggle
Massacre of four activists in Compostela Valley strongly condemned
In the Ilocos-Cordillera region:
NPA assails AFP lies

Multi-million peso thievery in PAGCOR
Revolutionary unionism expands, gains strength
Tribal wars and bodong in the Cordillera
Conflict in the Middle East:
US and Israel reap widespread condemnation

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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