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US: Number One human rights violator

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The US filed a complaint with the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) in March, calling for an investigation of alleged human rights violations in Cuba and demanding that UN officials be allowed to visit Cuban prisons.

Cuba has strongly denounced the US move. The US, Cuba said, has no right to file such a complaint in the light of its horrendous record in Iraq and Afghanistan, in Guantanamo, Cuba and all corners of the globe. According to Cuba, it is the US that must be investigated in the first place because it has indefinitely detained suspects and subjected them to torture and other forms of maltreatment in its own prisons in Camp Xray in Guantanamo. For many years, the US has also imposed an embargo on Cuba, prevented Cubans living in the US to remit monies to their relatives or even allow them to visit. It has also imposed many restrictions on Americans wishing to visit Cuba to take advantage of inexpensive medicines and treatments or simply to become tourists. The US has likewise been bullying its allies into supporting the resolution in the UN in exchange for aid.

In related news, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) assailed the US for its use of the UN to sow intrigue and maneuver against Cuba. In a statement, the NDFP said that US imperialism alternately uses and abuses the United Nations and its agencies for its narrow interests. It manipulates the UN whenever it suits its purpose. It disregards and heaps abuse on the UN whenever it is not in accord with the US.

It is the height of hypocrisy for the US to pass judgment on the human rights record of other countries, said the NDFP. US imperialism is the Number One plunderer, aggressor and terrorist and the worst human rights violator.

Its wars of aggression and occupation of Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and Iraq have killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, destroyed cities and ruined the economies of these countries. Its record of installing and backing dictators like Marcos, Pinochet, Park Chung-hee, Mobuto and a whole line of military dictators is unmatched by any other imperialist power. The international community has justly condemned the US' flagrant violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, said the NDFP.


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21 April 2005
English Edition

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US: Number One human rights violator
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