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Magdangal-Bill-Olive Clique:
New Revisionist and Bandit Group

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

BECAUSE IT IS A LATECOMER in sowing anti-Party intrigues and splittism, the Magdangal-Bill-Olive clique is the noisiest among the revisionist renegades in peddling itself before the bourgeois mass media and foreign financiers of NGOs. It is "this week's episode" in the anti-Communist play being staged by pacificationists and counter-revolutionaries.

The clique, especially its leader Nicolas Magdangal (Frank Pascual), has been ceaselessly spreading lies, intrigues and venom against the Party and the revolutionary movement. After its factional acts of sabotage within the Party were exposed and repudiated, it is now attempting from the outside to inflict damage on and hinder the advance of the revolutionary movement.

Laboring under the illusion that they are better than all the others who tried and failed, Pascual and his ilk are presenting themselves as a binding force for the tiny revisionist groups that have been rapidly and continuously disintegrating and going their own way. To attract their fellow revisionists, they have been launching raucous but small protest actions in Metro Manila.

While the clique's leaders loll around in urban centers and travel in and out of the country, the small armed group they carried off from parts of Bataan and Zambales that they have named "Revolutionary People's Army" (RPA is an apt acronym) is encouraged to act as a gang of roving rebels and brigands. This bandit group's task is to commit sabotage and foment trouble within the mass base and guerrilla zones of the NPA, coerce and extort money from businessmen and barriofolk and create all sorts of disturbances in order to provide the AFPPNP with an excuse to attack and harass the people.

To support the extravagant lifestyle of their urban-based leaders, these bandits extort money from contractors, fishpond owners and quarry operators as well as politicians in Central Luzon. Big and small fishpond operators in Bulacan and Bataan are levied "taxes" even within the NPA's guerrilla zones. Aside from the money these brigands are able to rake in, it is clearly their intention to make trouble and sabotage mass base building and the strengthening of the NPA's guerrilla zones.

Sacks full of fish, prawns and crabs are seized from fisherfolk. If still not content with all the produce they have stolen, they also take away boats, gasoline, lamps, batteries and other items.

Even the security guards' firearms and what little cash they have on their person are not spared. The victims are later made to pay "ransom" for the return of their property.

The items that are seized purportedly to support their "revolutionary" work are sold by the bandits to businessmen who are in cahoots with them.

Arrogant in bearing their weapons, they often harangue and beat up those who are unable to immediately follow their orders. Even those they had been able to deceive and carry away with their anti-Party and anti-NPA intrigues have not been spared from such boorish and haughty behavior.

They are known to be protectors of certain criminals in Bataan. They are involved in carabao rustling. More than this, this group sows terror by arbitrarily executing those it accuses of being bad elements in the barrios.

The Magdangal-Bill-Olive clique is rotten to the core. It is despised by the masses. Just as what befell the revisionist Lava clique and the Taruc-Sumulong bandit gang, it will not be long before this group vanishes into thin air. Like other revisionists, its place in history will be as a group despised for its treachery and abuse of the people.


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00 October 1998
English Edition

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New Trotskyite Group
Magdangal-Bill-Olive Clique:
New Revisionist and Bandit Group
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

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