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Reports from Correspondents:
Revolutionary movement in Northeastern Luzon hailing its victories

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The revolutionary movement in Northeastern Luzon posted victories in all arenas the previous year. The Fortunato Camus Command, the regional command for operations, was extremely pleased to announce this on the occasion of the 33rd founding anniversary of the New People�s Army (NPA).

A new guerrilla front has been established in the region. The mass base grew by tens of thousands while thousands were added to the number of organized masses and mass activists. Like the expansion of the people�s army, scores of barrios were also added to the number of villages it operates in, while Party membership in the region enjoyed a 100% increase, mostly in the guerrilla zones.

A significant number among the masses benefited from socio-economic projects launched by the Party and NPA. Because of the strict adherence to the antifeudal line as the key link in all endeavors in the guerrilla zones, antifeudal mass campaigns have been launched, further invigorating the revolutionary mass movement. The revolutionary movement in the region has also been assiduously conducting projects to improve production, provide health care, ensure peace and order and settle contradictions among the people.

The NPA�s punishment of former governor and congressman Col. Rodolfo Aguinaldo became the focus of national attention. It was celebrated by the people of Cagayan and Isabela. Aside from this, more than 10 bad elements were also punished by the NPA. All of them were rabid counterrevolutionaries who owed blood debts to the people. The NPA also thwarted a number of military offensives launched by the AFP, turning the tables on them and inflicting casualties on the enemy.

In the ideological arena, the revolutionary movement in all of Northeastern Luzon has been thoroughly struggling against the trend towards conservatism. The revolutionary forces in the region have already been able to slowly transcend the problem due to the correctness of the line set by the Party Regional Committee after a summing-up conference in mid-1998.

The gains may be modest compared to the overall development of the revolutionary movement, but they are nonetheless significant to the region. They signify the all-sided advance of revolutionary work in the region and steel the revolutionary forces� determination to advance people�s war to a new and higher level.

They serve as an inspiration to advance further in order to fulfill the ardent desire of the revolutionary forces and the people to achieve revolutionary victory.


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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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