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The New People's Army will intensify its armed offensives

 Basahin ang artikulong ito sa Pilipino

The New People's Army (NPA) is set to launch more numerous armed offensives against the US-Arroyo regime in response to the Central Committee's call to intensify the armed revolution in the face of the unparalleled crisis besetting the country. It is also the NPA's response to the people's urgent demand to punish the Arroyo regime.

It is the US-Arroyo regime itself that has pushed the people to tread the path of armed revolution. Its puppetry to US imperialism knows no bounds. It obsequiously carries out the most execrable policies of liberalization, privatization and deregulation. It colludes with foreign corporate giants that relentlessly extract superprofits from the impoverished people. It is unable to hide the stench of its own rottenness emanating from the incessant jockeying among its ranks and the series of anomalies and corruption cases that have been exposed. It stupidly supports the US' imperialist aggression and parrots the latter's tiresome litany of waging "counter-terrorist war" to rationalize its own fascist aggression against the people and invite US intervention in the country.

The mass movement of a people who have no other recourse but to take action and wage resistance is bound to grow stronger. It will rock to the very core the already shaky foundations of the US-Arroyo regime. Simultaneously, the NPA will launch bigger, more numerous, and more frequent tactical offensives to support efforts to isolate and overthrow the regime.

It will expand and intensify guerrilla warfare to reach more districts and municipalities and compel the enemy's armed forces to overextend itself over more areas of the country and weaken its hold on strategic guerrilla fronts where the AFP is now concentrated.

The combination of massive demonstrations and intensified armed offensives has repeatedly proven to be effective in hastening the downfall of a regime in power. It will not be able to overthrow the entire system, but it will be able to expand and consolidate the democratic and revolutionary movement that will persist in taking action and waging resistance against the ruling system until victory is achieved.

Launching people's war within the framework of the new-democratic revolution is the most reliable and most effective means of resolving the crisis. Only with its victory can it be possible to implement the basic policies that will put an end to the rule of US imperialism and local big bureaucrat capitalists and landlords over the country.


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07 October 2004
English Edition

The New People's Army will intensify its armed offensives
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Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

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