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Articles in 07 January 2005

People's protests and NPA armed offensives will rock the Arroyo regime in 2005
A fruitful year of revolutionary struggle in Central Luzon
Victorious NPA Offensives:Excellent planning, advantageous terrain and firm links with the masses
Relentless violence at the Hacienda Luisita picket line
Victories of the revolutionary people and movement in Western Mindanao
...In Mindanao
The next four years under George W. Bush
Tsunami kills 155,000 in Indian Ocean
Military violates GRP unilateral ceasefire

Articles in 21 January 2005

Lead the emerging anti-Arroyo united front!
Arroyo�s barefaced lies
NPA punishes Col. Sebastian, inveterate fascist and war criminal
Revolutionary advance in Quezon
A Red celebration
The plight of peasants and farm workers in the cane fields of Batangas
The US Armed Forces:
Monsters in uniform
Fascist contractors
US wraps up WMD search in Iraq
Most Americans opposed to war of aggression on Iraq
Victorious NPA Offensives:
Significant tactical offensives in Mindanao

Articles in 07 February 2005

Thwart the US-Arroyo regime's cruel antipeople blows
People assail VAT increase
Large-scale mining:
Violating national sovereignty and patrimony
Mining in Central Luzon
Gen. Victor Corpus:
Big-time swindler
Revolutionary policy on the environment in Panay
Bigger profits, graver exploitation
Maoism will never be vanquished in China
Liberation of Auschwitz remembered
US forms puppet state in Iraq

Articles in 21 February 2005

Oppose the US-Arroyo regime's fascist measures
Victorious tactical offensives:
33 soldiers killed in offensives in Compostela Valley and Isabela
Victorious tactical offensives:
Tactical offensives in Southern Luzon
Victorious tactical offensives:
Former NPA fighter kills three military troops
Fascist regime's mouthpieces
Arroyo-Marcos-Akbayan Collusion:
Congress obstructs justice for martial law victims
Arroyo-Marcos-Akbayan collusion:
Jockeying by thieves
The situation of farm workers nationwide
Class struggle in Hacienda Luisita
Pakikiramay: Poets' tribute to the peasants of Hacienda Luisita:
Sympathy, solidarity, resistance
Developments overseas
Imperialist agression ni the Middle East
Is Iran next?
Sa Ibayong Dagat:
�Outposts of tyranny�and other figments of Bush's imagination
Sa Ibayong Dagat:
Various forces oppose martial law declaration in Nepal
Sa Ibayong Dagat:
Armed struggle intensifies in Colombia

Articles in 07 March 2005

Expose and oppose the rising tide of US military intervention in the country
Violence against the democratic movement
Twin fascists
Two faces of taxation
Kept afloat by debt
Impoverished women are hunger's main victims
Peasants oppose fraudulent practices of banana buyers
Who are Akbayan's bedfellows?
To all opponents of imperialism
Who is John Negroponte?
Victorious NPA Offensives

Articles in 21 March 2005

Resist the terrorism of the US-Arroyo
Chain of violence dogs leaders of the legal democratic movement
Palparan sows fascist terror in Eastern Visayas
Political assassinations, a US trademark
PKM chapter established in South Quezon village
In Nueva Ecija:
Setting disputes among the people
Pregnancy in the people's army
People to oppose imperialist logging and mining
Rubout in Bicutan
Oil prices rise in rapid succession

Articles in 29 March 2005

Raise the people's war to a new and higher level against US imperialism and the Arroyo puppet regime
Message to the New People's Army
from the Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines

Articles in 07 April 2005

The US-Arroyo regime is digging its own grave
Fascist state on a rampage:
Broader resistance to the US-Arroyo regime's fascist crimes
Fascist state on a rampage:
NPA to investigate Esperat's murder
Heinous details of the Camp Bagong Diwa massacre
Most of them are innocent
Paul Wolfowitz: A disciple of neoconservatism at the World Bank
US intervention in Kyrgyzstan

Articles in 21 April 2005

Raise wages!
National transport stoppage, a success
US-Arroyo regime reaps more enemies
Relentless violence against progressive forces
Hundreds of residents evacuate in Samar
6 firearms seized, 6 soldiers killed in Samar ambush
NPA reaps more victories in Mindanao
Bello, Arroyo apologist
Who is Pedro Tejino?
US-Arroyo regime: The Philippines' biggest pimp
Prostituted children
The government's bogus and inutile land reform program
US: Number One human rights violator

Articles in 25 April 2005

Articles in 07 May 2005

Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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