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Articles in 07 January 2004

Wanton opportunism and decadence
Intensify the anti-imperialist, antifeudal and antifascist struggle
The Party continues to rectify the errors of the anti-infiltration campaigns of the 1980s
Correspondence Reports:
Prevailing over conservatism:
Armed revolution advances in Central Luzon
Correspondence Reports:
From Southern Tagalog
ST continues to advance in the face of intense attacks by the regime
Correspondence Reports:
Statement of the CPP-Northeastern Luzon on the Party's 35th anniversary
Mass movement surges forward
Developments Overseas
US crisis continues to worsen
Developments Overseas
Intense demoralization of American soldiers in Iraq

Articles in 21 January 2004

CPP successfully implements policy on campaigning in revolutionary territories
Immediate and long-term prospects of the peace talks
Victorious NPA offensives:
NPA launches simultaneous raid on 2 PAF camps in Batangas
Victorious NPA offensives
NPA disarms politician
Correspondence Reports:
Deceiving the people through �peace zones�
Mga Ulat Koresponsal:
Parola Development Plan:
Sham housing program
Buhay Barya
Developments Overseas
Cuba�s gains in providing health care: Health for all

Articles in 07 February 2004

Militant resistance to militarization in Mindoro
Intensified militarization and human rights violations
Greetings on the 35th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines
In various parts of the country�
Seething discontent pervades AFP
Philippine Revolution Web Central
The internet: A new arena for propaganda
The Bush regime can no longer deny the absence of WMD in Iraq

Articles in 21 February 2004

Peace talks to go through many more twists and turns
People's gains from the Oslo agreement
JMC representatives selected
Human rights activists murdered by military
Violence against progressive candidates and parties
Victorious NPA Offensives
NPA seizes 27 firearms
Correspondence Reports:
Expanding the revolutionary instructors' pool in Camarines Sur
Correspondence Report
Ka Basil, a great revolutionary
Correspondence Report:
The bitter taste of sugar in Negros
Against imperialist globalization and wars of aggression:
Mumbai Resistance 2004, a success

Articles in 07 March 2004

Arouse, organize and mobilize women for the revolution!
The condition of women workers
Interview with Salud Roja, CPP-Central Luzon spokesperson
Increase the number of women Red fighters
Ka Elena, commander
Ka Jiji and Ka Alex: Young women fighters
Makabayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan
Establishing a MAKIBAKA chapter in Metro Manila
Victorious NPA offensives:
NPA captures soldiers
Victorious NPA offensives:
Other tactical offensives launched from February to March
Victorious NPA offensives:
NPA confronts Isabela congressman
Victorious NPA offensives:
Ambush on Congresswoman Sato, a stern warning
Developments overseas:
Israeli wall in Palestinian territory
Arroyo's threats fail to daunt transport sector

Articles in 21 March 2004

Celebrate a year of victories in the armed struggle
Portraits of the NPA
Victorious NPA Offensives:
20 firearms seized in various offensives
Arroyo regime takes hard stance on POWs
Bayan Muna, other progressive parties harassed
CPP strictly implements 18 years as minimum age requirement for NPA recruitment
Ka Joan: a different kind of Red fighter
Why does the CPP respect and recognize the right of individual Party members to choose their gender?
Correspondence Reports:
Revolutionary movement in Negros advances
Developments Overseas:
Heightened US intervention in Haiti
Series of transport strikes breaks out
Spain�s pro-US prime minister routed

Articles in 29 March 2004

Fight for national liberation, democracy and peace through protracted people's war

Articles in 07 April 2004

Resist the intensifying oppression of the Moro people
Moros launch protests
Fascist state on a rampage:
Prominent human rights violations in the first quarter
32 out of over 300 political prisoners to be freed
Attacks on progressive parties intensifying
Victorious NPA offensives:
Ambush in Camarines Sur
Correspondence reports:
Victorious offensives launched in Eastern Visayas
Correspondence reports:
Use of civilians as human shields denounced
Correspondence reports:
Resisting the RSOT in Eastern Visayas
Correspondence reports:
Firefight in Cagayan Valley
Correspondence reports:
NPA in Mindanao gains strength and expands
Failed privatization

Articles in 19 April 2004

A slew of pseudo-reformist lies
NDFP negotiating panel reply to the CBCP-NASSA paid advertisement

Articles in 21 April 2004

Prepare for the JMC�s implementation
A Red salute to Silvino �Ka Bino� Clamucha
Correspondence Reports:
AFP intrigues belied
Correspondence Reports:
The struggle for land goes on in Hacienda Luisita
Development Overseas:
A new stage in the Iraqi struggle
Development Overseas:
Sharon Plan, a treacherous ploy
AFP takes Karapatan members hostage
KAGUMA turns 33

Articles in 07 May 2004

No fundamental change from the May 10 elections
Suppressing progressive parties:
A relentless campaign of slander and murder
NPA disarms candidates who violated PTC
US imperialism intervenes in the elections
Collection of NPA photographs launched
Repudiate those who exploit the OPML to relentlessly malign the Party!
�Ka Basil
Correspondence Reports:
AFP utilizes bandits in Northeastern Mindanao
Correspondence Reports:
Cordillera Day 2004:

Celebrating a history of heroic struggle in the Cordillera

Articles in 21 May 2004

Rampant violence and cheating mark recently concluded elections
Reactionary Elections:
NPA condemns arson incidents in Isabela
Reactionary Elections
AFP behind electoral fraud and violence�NDF-Eastern Visayas
Reactionary Elections
NDF-Mindanao logs poll violence
Reactionary Elections:
Military, RPA campaign against progressive parties
Philippine government and people drowning in debt
An endless cycle of debt
World Bank�milking cow of the biggest imperialist corporations
Correspondence Reports
Ka Boyet, fine revolutionary cadre and commander
Developments Overseas
The historic Battle of Dien Bien Phu
Developments Overseas
Cuba braces itself for US invasion

Articles in 07 June 2004

Political crisis is fertile ground for revolution
Cases of electoral fraud and violence
NDF warns of possible withdrawal from talks
Economic crisis worsens
A fleeting illusion of development
Stark figures on widespread poverty
Oil prices shoot up
The intense oppression of women peasants
Developments Overseas:
The use of torture is official US policy

Articles in 21 June 2004

Worsening economic crisis
Instability to mark GMA's rule
Fascist state on a rampage:
Murder cases filed against the military
International Day of the Disappeared commemorated
New AFP anomaly exposed
NPA launches anti-malaria campaign
Government Neglect
Correspondence Reports:
NPA Victories in Eastern Visayas
Victorious NPA offensives:
NPA seizes 56 firearms in raids
Victorious NPA offensives:
Angat police chief meted punishment

Articles in 07 July 2004

Arroyo regime's 10-point program is worthless and deceptive
Third round of peace negotiations, disappointing�JMS
Charter change is a US agenda
Lessons of the NPA's military campaign in Panay
Agrarian revolution advances in Central Luzon