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Available English titles for year 1998

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Articles in 03 January 1998

Articles in 00 April 1998

Articles in 12 June 1998

On The June 12 Declaration Of Independence

Articles in 09 July 1998

Editorial - Kleptocracy and the rotten ruling system:
The ugly face of bureaucrat capitalism under the reactionary Estrada regime
Erap for Danding
Real Criminals Unmasked:
Corruption and Crime in the AFP and PNP
Visiting Forces Agreement
Turning the Philippines into a virtual military base
Fascism and Counterrevolutionary Violence of the Neocolonial State
Revolutionary Movement in Manila
Rebuilding and Advancing Anew
Regarding the national minimum wage

Articles in 00 October 1998

Expand and intensify the revolutionary struggle!
Hail the 30th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines!
Capitalist system in crisis
Call from Ilocos-Cordillera:
Overcome obstacles! Advance in an all-round way!
Cordillera People's Democratic Front:
Distinct Front of the Cordillera People
Prospects of the revolutionary workers' movement:
Strengthening towards a new and higher level
Crisis in the countryside
"Godfather" of land reform?
Rectifying and Advancing
Advance of Agrarian Revolution in Southern Luzon
In an Advanced State of Disintegration
New Trotskyite Group
Magdangal-Bill-Olive Clique:
New Revisionist and Bandit Group

Articles in 10 December 1998

Hold the GRP Accountable for its Obligations in the Human Rights Agreement
Historic Document Born Out of the Filipino People�s Struggle for Human Rights
The Tortuous Road of Peace Negotiations
Defending the NDFP�s Revolutionary Integrity in the Peace Talks
Two Statements
Statement on human rights claims Under Article 5, Part III of CARHRIHL
Two Statements
Estrada will not fulfill his promise

Articles in 26 December 1998

I. Unprecedented Global Crisis and Disorder
II. Worsening of the Chronic Crisis of the Ruling System
III. Revitalized Forces of the Revolution
IV. Long-term Fighting Tasks of the Communist Party of the Philippines
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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