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Available English titles for year 1999

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Articles in 00 January 1999

Impose revolutionary punishment on Imelda and other cohorts of the Marcos dictatorship
Fascist violence and counterrevolutionary war in the countryside
The fascist crimes of Gen. Panfilo Lacson in Cebu
Against Lacson�s Warrantless Arrest
NPA arrests AFP General, 2 other officers
Who is considered a combatant?
Along the path of steadfast advance
NDF-MILF Alliance
Unity and cooperation against the reactionary enemy
In the name of the law
Landgrabbing in Cagayan Valley
Long live proletarian internationalism!

Articles in 04 March 1999

Prepare for and resist intensified military offensives and suppression after the release of the prisoners of war
The NDFP�s Conviction
Respecting the rights of prisoners of war
In the Occassion of NPA's 30th anniversary
�Fight the enemy until victory is won in the new-democratic revolution!�
Emblem of the New People�s Army
Correspondence Reports
Overcoming conservatism and advancing the armed struggle in Central Visayas
Correspondence Reports
Rejecting Reaction, Embracing The Revolution
Suppression in Texas Instruments
Suppression in Texas Instruments
Discrimination against women
Towards World Proletarian Unity and Cooperation
Socialist unity?
On unity and the Contras
Imperialist aggression in the Balkan Peninsula
War profits
Stop US and NATO war of aggression

Articles in 29 March 1999

Fight the Enemy Until Victory is Won in the New-Democratic Revolution!

Articles in 00 May 1999

Articles in 00 July 1999

Thoroughly expose, oppose and isolate the reactionary, puppet and fascist US-Estrada regime
August 20: A gathering storm against the US-Estrada clique
Conflicts among reactionaries will sharpen over the issue of constitutional change
Oplan Makabayan:
Fascist scheme of the US-Estrada regime
Southern Tagalog's response to Oplan Makabayan:
Launch tactical offensives, advance the mass movement
Liberalization and deregulation:
Cruel impact on the fisheries sector
Danding Cojuangco's "corporative scheme":
Another bane to farmers
Coco levy:
Still Danding's brew
Monopoly in the sugar industry and other leading crop lines
October 1, 1999:
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Revolution

Articles in 17 August 1999

On the Indonesian Revolutionary Struggle

Articles in 00 September 1999

The workers� militant struggle is gaining breadth and strength
Ang Bayan, online
Rallies and strikes on November 16:
Intensifying struggle for a P125 wage increase
Deregulation of the oil industry
Collusion between the imperialists, the oil cartels and the reactionary government
A Letter From The Ilocos-Cordillera Region
On the issue of secession and the Moro people�s right to self-determination
On the 50th anniversary of the victory of China�s democratic revolution
On the 50th year anniversary of victory of China�s democratic revolution
The enslavement of workers in China
On the 50th year anniversary of victory of China�s democratic revolution
The socialist transformation of the countryside and its reversal
Filipino people congratulate the East Timor people and condemn attacks on them by Indonesian fascists
Marking the renewed advance of anti-feudal struggles in Southern Tagalog
Initial gains in eliminating resikada
Tactical offensives continue in Bicol

Articles in 01 October 1999

On the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People�s Republic of China

Articles in 12 November 1999

Take advantage of the reactionary Estrada regime�s crisis of rule
Greet the 21st century and new millennium with the resolve to intensify the revolution
Regarding basic and special tactical offensives
Storm of resistance against globalization
The expanding empire of Lucio Tan
Lacson�s appointment as PNP chief:
Sharpening the fascist fangs of the US-Estrada regime
Intensifying fascism of the US-Estrada regime
The Rights of Filipino Children:
On the Rights of the Filipino Children
The Rights of Filipino Children:
On the NPA�s alleged mass recruitment of child guerrillas
The Rights of Filipino Children:
Pertinent Facts
The Rights of Filipino Children:
Memorandum on the Minimum age requirement for NPA fighters
The Rights of Filipino Children:
Organizing children
The Rights of Filipino Children:
The miserable state of child workers in the Philippines
The Rights of Filipino Children:
Counterrevolutionary violence against children in the countryside
On the nationality question and the right to self-determination
Widespread mass actions for human rights launched
Sham negotiation between the US-Estrada regime and the Tabara-dela Cruz clique
NDF condemns inhumane treatment of Ka Parago

Articles in 10 December 1999

On the NPA�s Alleged Mass Recruitment of Child Guerrillas
From the Editors
Memorandum to all Party organs and NPA commands:
On the minimum age requirement for the New People�s Army fighters

Articles in 26 December 1999

Greet the 21st century and new millennium with the resolve to intensify the revolution
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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