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Available English titles for year 2000

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Articles in January 2000

The people and the revolutionary movement will defeat the US-Estrada regime's military solution
On intensifying AFP aggression against the MILF-BIAF
Prisoners of war:
The US-Estrada regime is sabotaging the release of Martin and Buan
13 Victorious tactical offensives launched in Southern Tagalog!
A big head blow through accumulated small victories
Onward to 2000
NPA tactical offensives resume in Negros
The US-Estrada regime's blatant fascist and terrorist rule in Southern Tagalog
Armando "Ka Sixto" Cerna Jr.:
Victim of the fascist regime's cruelty
Balikatan 2000:
Intensified militarization in Central Luzon
Intensifying fascism in the cities:
Violent dispersals and dismantling of pickets
Thorough degeneration of the old party:
The fascist Baguisa clique
Norberto Manero:
Portrait of a mercenary and cold-blooded murderer
Conrado Balweg punished
Cagayan Valley:
Overcoming conservatism and advancing anew
Russian aggression in Chechnya:
Expanding the Russian empire

Articles in March 2000

End the US-Estrada regime!
Win the armed revolution in the 21st century
- Armando Liwanag
On revolutionary taxation
NPA launches punitive actions against companies, businesses
Oppression of migrant workers
Unity and struggle of migrant workers
Crisis in the banking system
A cause for celebration on May One:
Further militancy and resistance of the working class
Revolutionary struggle in Negros continues to advance
The fascist state on a rampage

Articles in 29 March 2000

Win the armed revolution in the 21st century!
I. Great victories of the New People's Army
II. The crisis of imperialism and the proletarian revolution
III. Swift worsening of the rotten ruling system
IV. Achieving victory in the people's war

Articles in 06 May 2000

Resist the anti-Moro war of the US-Estrada regime!
The vicious anti-Moro war
At what price?
Interview with Ka Roger
All-out imposition of imperialist dictates on the economy
Tattered safety nets
The workers� movement
Intensifying mass struggles
Intensifying oppression and suppression of youth and students
Ka Roger�s Message to Jenina Buan
NDFP rescinds order to release prisoner of war
Continuing economic stagnation in Japan
Mass struggles advancing in Southern Tagalog

Articles in July 2000

Intensified fascist attacks showcase the further decay of the US-Estrada regime
Estrada's proposed "emergency powers":
Betraying the regime's worsening crisis of rule
Intensifying fascism in Metro Manila
Fascism against the LRT workers
The July 22 SOMO is malicious
502nd Brigade:
Scourge of Isabela
Abduction and illegal detention of Nomer Kuan and Romeo Sanchez
The US-Estrada regime's housing program:
Deception and violence against Metro Manila's poor
Justice for the victims of Payatas!
San Roque Multipurpose Dam Project:
Gigantic burden to the people
Lessons from the Hacienda Looc struggle
Southern Tagalog�s cultural squad:
Bannering revolutionary art
Amid "unprecedented prosperity" in the US:
Oppression and wretchedness among the American workers and people

Articles in October 2000

Take advantage of the grave political crisis of the ruling system!

Advance and further strengthen the revolutionary movement!
The economy continues to decline amid the political crisis
Teaching to struggle:
Oppressed situation of teachers
A toxic legacy
Under the VFA:
Further imperialist aggression
Under the VFA:
Abuses by American troops
The United Nations:
Apologist for imperialism
News of the people�s struggle

Articles in 14 October 2000

Overthrow the US-Estrada regime, expand and intensify the revolution!

Articles in November 2000

Consolidate and further expand the people�s unity to overthrow the US-Estrada regime!
Massive and daring protest actions launched
Estrada and his minions: targets of NPA special operations
The jueteng payola and other anomalies:
Crime and corruption at the very helm of the neocolonial state
On the tactical alliance with anti-Estrada reactionaries and the pseudo-Left rhetoric of Lagman
Cry of public sector workers:
Advance the rights and welfare of government employees!
United States presidential elections:
No change in US imperialism
Challenge towards genuine reunification:
Intensifying anti-imperialist struggle in Korea
News of the people�s struggle
More news from the field

Articles in 04 November 2000

Urgent Challenges for Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

Articles in 17 November 2000

Memorial tribute for Comrade Armando Teng
A great proletarian leader and hero

Articles in 18 November 2000

Estrada and his minions: targets of NPA special operations

Articles in December 2000

With the onset of 2001, unleash a powerful storm that shall put an end to the US-Estrada regime
Selected quotes
Mobilize the broad masses of the people to deliver the death blow to the Estrada regime �Armando Liwanag
Estrada regime: at the brink of death:
Rapidly plummeting economic crisis
Estrada regime: at the brink of death:
Puppetry, corruption and fascism
Trouble in the neocolonies
Paving the way for an international league of people�s struggles
News of struggle
More news from Bicol

Articles in 04 December 2000

There will be no ceasefire declaration by the NPA this Christmas

Articles in 04 December 2000

Tactics in the united front against the US-Estrada regime

Articles in 26 December 2000

Prepare against further U.S. military intervention, intensify and advance the people�s war!

Articles in 31 December 2000

Hold Lacson, Estrada and other perpetrators answerable for the bombings in Metro Manila and punish them

Articles in 31 December 2000

On the bombings in Metro Manila
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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