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Available English titles for year 2001

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Articles in January 2001

Reap the gains of the struggle to overthrow the US-Estrada regime!
Continue strengthening and intensifying the Filipino people�s revolutionary struggle under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime!
Punish Estrada!
The new Macapagal-Arroyo government:
Bringing back the US-Ramos regime
Factions within the police and the military
The role of Eduardo "Danding" Cojuangco in the final months of the Estrada regime
The gigantic, militant and peaceful mass actions that ousted Estrada
Campaign Plan Balangai:
Continuing fascist attacks in Southern Tagalog
On the prisoners of war currently under the custody of the NPA
On the bombings in Metro Manila
News of Struggle

Articles in 17 January 2001

Launch a decisive battle and encircle Malaca�ang to forcibly oust Estrada

Articles in 22 January 2001

Statement of the Communist Party of the Philippines on the victorious EDSA uprising against the Estrada regime

Articles in February 2001

Tasks of the revolutionary movement in relation to the reactionary 2001 elections
Lacson: Butcher, trapo
Joseph Estrada�s family and cronies continue to move around with impunity
The peace talks must proceed on the basis of past agreements
Free all political prisoners!
A critique of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo�s model:
The puppet Macapagal regime
Reports from Correspondents:
News from the Cagayan Valley Region
News of Struggle

Articles in March 2001

The dominance of militarists within the Macapagal-Arroyo regime poses a threat to the peace talks
Newly appointed defense secretary:
Gen. Angelo Reyes: notorious fascist
The militarism that killed P/CInsp. Abelardo Martin and continuing state fascism
Intensifying exploitation and oppression of working women
Intensifying oppression of the working class in Europe
News of Struggle

Articles in 29 March 2001

Seize every moment, advance the people�s war
1. The people's victory against the Estrada regime
2. Continuing rottenness of the ruling system
3. Continuing armed revolution for national liberation and democracy
4. Excellent conditions for waging people's war

Articles in April 2001

Under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime:
Prepare for bigger battles, achieve greater victories!!
Under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime:
The national economy continues to decline
Under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime:
Conflict and compromise within the ruling class
Under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime:
Estrada�s arrest is warmly welcomed by the people
Statement by Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal
National Spokesperson
Communist Party of the Philippines
April 26, 2001
Under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime:
The fascist state continues on a rampage
Central Cordillera Agricultural Program:
Exploitation under the guise of "development aid"
Maj. Noel Buan:
NPA frees prisoner of war
News of struggle

Articles in May 2001

No substantial gains for the people in the recently held elections
Demands of Filipino workers under the new regime
Interview with Ka Roger
Resumption of NDFP-GRP peace talks successful
Reports from Correspondents:
Resisting the plunder of Cordillera�s resources
Reports from Correspondents:
People in Central Visayas vigorously joined the anti-Estrada struggle
Reports from Correspondents:
Tactical offensives continue in Bicol
Reports from Correspondents:
NPA clarifies punitive actions in Northern Mindanao
News of struggle

Articles in 06 May 2001

*Not available!

Articles in June 2001

Expose and resist the pro-imperialist and antipeople policies and measures of the reactionary US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime
Power Reform Act:
Paving the way for further foreign domination of the economy
Water service fees to be hiked
Hike in petroleum product prices:
Oil company giants continue to amass superprofits
Fascist state on a rampage
In the second quarter of the year
Reports from Correspondents:
Intensifying operations in Oriental Mindoro condemned
Reports from Correspondents:
Mayor Platon and Rep. Punzalan were meted just punishment
NDFP assails suspension of peace talks by GRP
NPA punishes Colonel Aguinaldo
Signalling the resurgence of worldwide struggle:
International League of Peoples' Struggle founded
News of Struggle

Articles in July 2001

Editorial: Advance the struggle for a P125-increase in the workers� daily wage!
Millionaires in government: Brazen plunder of the nation�s coffers
The party list elections and the correct role of progressives within the reactionary parliament
The realities behind "Ate Glo�s concern" for the urban poor
US adamant in using the country as a military base
Proof of direct intervention
Push for the punishment of the Estradas, the Marcoses and others guilty of grave crimes against the people!
Educational system continues to deteriorate under the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime
Youth and students against ROTC: Unity against an ever burdensome, corrupt and anomaly-ridden program
News of struggle
G8 summit assailed in masssive protests

Articles in 04 July 2001

Masses rejoice at Colonel Aguinaldo's punishment
Bloody record against the masses in Cagayan and Apayao
Fascist-turned-warlord politico
Punitive operation against Aguinaldo:
No reactionary fortress is impregnable to the revolution

Articles in 31 July 2001

Reversing the verdict on the fascist crimes of the Marcos dictatorship
The CIA, the Marcoses' wealth and other anomalies behind Salonga's reversal
Events of August 21 and August 23, 1971
"Treading the path of military dictatorship" � CPP
Lies told by Marcos, Gregg Jones and Salonga's "witnesses" on the Plaza Miranda bombing
Excerpts from the sworn statement of Manuel Reyes Bogtong of the Presidential Security Unit (March 14, 1989)

Articles in August 2001

Editorial: Expose and oppose the pro-imperialist and antipoor "reforms" of the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime!
On the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime's "reforms": Continuously worsening economic crisis in the country
On the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime's "reforms": The crisis' severe blow on the people
On the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime's "reforms": The people's urgent demands
Continuing resistance against the privatization of the Social Security System
Reports from Correspondents: Military operations in Bicol condemned
News of Struggle
Comrade Antonio Zumel honored

Articles in September 2001

Condemn and resist the terrorist war of agression!
Terrorist crimes of the US and its fascist puppets
Vulnerability of imperialist economy exposed in attack on US
Strategic imperialist interests in Afganistan
Using the US war of aggression as rationale:
Intensifying reaction in the Philippines and overseas
Reports from Correspondents:
Conference on the Iloco language: An important breakthrough in achieving unity on Iloco writing and translation
Reports from Correspondents:
Vigorous, swift and effective action of the masses in the guerilla zones
Reports from Correspondents:
Operations of the Force Recon Battalion of the Philippine Marines
RHB: Criminal and counterrevolutionary
CPLA officially integrated into the AFP

Articles in 12 September 2001

On the vital issues regarding the current struggle of Filipino workers for a P125 wage increase

Articles in October 2001

Editorial: Further advance the revolutionary movement in the face of the US' war of aggression and intensifying reaction
The US' war of aggression in Afghanistan
What is the Northern Alliance?
Protest actions against war of agression and reaction continue in the Philippines
Seething anger against the US and UK governments
Reports from Correspondents:
The plight of coconut farmers and farmworkers in Bicol
Reports from Correspondents: People's struggles against Lepanto Mines
Reports from Correspondents: Agrarian revolution advances in Cagayan Valley
Reports from Correspondents: Coming out with Kalatas while conducting mass work
Response to the enemy's continued attacks in Central Luzon: Resolutely carry forward and master guerrilla warfare
Reproduction and distribution of Ang Bayan: Combining mass movement and modern technology
Fascist State on a rampage:
Cases of human rights violations
July-October 2001
Fascist State on a rampage:
Macapagal-Arroyo's terrorist and mercenary AFP and PNP are running amok in the countryside:
Statement by Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal, Spokesperson, Communist Party of the Philippines

Articles in November 2001

Editorial: Further advance guerrilla warfare throughout the country!
Some lessons from Nur Misuari�s errors and failure
Points on how MNLF-GRP agreements turned out
The rollback of oil prices is woefully inadequate
On Macapagal-Arroyo�s direct orders: Militarization intensifies in Southern Tagalog
Reports from Correspondents: Sowing terror in Basilan
Prominent cases of human rights violations in Basilan
Most intense military operation in Cagayan Valley in half a decade
The revolutionary movement grows in Catanduanes: When the people�s army becomes one with the masses
Anecdotes behind the tactical offensives in Bicol
The new puppet fascist regime and US imperialism�s strategic interests in Afghanistan

Articles in December 2001

Editorial: A year of hardships and ruthlessness for the people
National Economic Summit: Furthering fascism and tightening the neocolonial stranglehold on the Philippines
Special Purpose Assets Vehicle: Pushing the Philippines deeper in to the morass of neocolonialism
The National Budget of 2002: Funds for fascism and puppetry
Economic crisis: Some significant statistics
Trickery with unemployment statistics
Recession in the US, Japan and Germany: Crisis in the centers of capitalism
Danding and the coco levy funds: Cojuangco shows he is still the master under the Macapagal-Arroyo regime
SMC-Kirin Agreement: Cojuangco's maneuvers to maintain control over SMC
The biggest case in the history of the puppet republic: Danding seizes lands in Isabela
Reports from Correspondents: Agrarian revolution reaps gains in Isabela
Reports from Correspondents: Ka Haren and Ka Baste: Revolutionary heroism in the face of the enemy
Reports from Correspondents: On the status of the POWs in Far South Mindanao
Fascist state on a rampage: People's travails in 11 months of militarization
With full US imperialism support: Israel intensifies attacks on Palestinians
Due to grave crisis: Uprising erupts in Argentina

Articles in 26 December 2001

Hail the rising Revolutionary Movement Forces and the upsurge of the Mass Movement
Ang Bayan is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. It provides news about the work of the Party as well as its analysis of and standpoint on current issues.

AB comes out fortnightly. It is published originally in Pilipino and translated into Bisaya, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon and English.

Acrobat PDF files of AB are available online for downloading and offline reading printing. If you wish to receive copies of AB via email, click here.

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