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Available English titles for year 2003

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Articles in January 2003

Advance the revolution on all fronts!
Revolutionary taxation
A legitimate act of governance
Victorious NPA Offensives
Plan 747:
New name for an old gimmick
Plan 747:
Plan 747�s fantastic content
Economic crisis:
Statistics on crisis
Economic crisis:
OFWs: Lifesaver
Economic crisis:
Life is hard in Hongkong
Macapagal-Arroyo�s maneuvers till 2004 and beyond
The rotten experience of privatization
Broken promises
State fascism
State fascism:
Col. Palparan: "Exemplary butcher"
State fascism:
Death of journalists
Human rights violations against national minorities
Critical video documentaries

Articles in February 2003

Make the Macapagal-Arroyo regime pay dearly for its support of warmongering against Iraq
International opposition to invasion of Iraq widespread
Major protest actions worldwide
Protest actions in the Philippines against US' war threat vs. Iraq spreading
Criminal and counterrevolutionary Romulo Kintanar meted punishment
Fraud in economic statistics bared
Macapagal-Arroyo now openly favors cha-cha
The crisis concealed by Bush�s warmongering
Reports from correspondents:
Agrarian struggle in Cagayan and Isabela:
Campaign to raise corn prices a success
Reports from correspondents:
Farmers in Isabela recover seized lands
Reports from correspondents:
Peasant campaigns in the Ilocos region
Reports from correspondents:
How Mang Ador got his land back
Dekada �70:
A socially relevant film
In rectification:
A message to the workers of PLDT

Articles in 07 March 2003

Thwart US aggression
From the Central Committee
AB, twice monthly
GRP discards peace talks
MILF launches guerrilla war against AFP
Successes in publishing AB
Mounting obstacles
Worldwide opposition to anti-Iraq war
100,000 rally at the Luneta
A tentacle of the US
Victorious NPA offensives:
Series of offensives launched in February

Articles in 22 March 2003

Resist the US aggression in Iraq
The ogre has attacked
Filipino people opposed to war
NPA's 34th Anivversary:
Response to US armed intervention
Victorious NPA offensives
Correspondence Reports:
All-out war a failure in Panay
Correspondence Reports:
Valiant Red commanders
Correspondence Reports:
American soldiers in Central Panay

Articles in 29 March 2003

Articles in 07 April 2003

Invaders, get out of Iraq!
The Bloody occupation of Iraq
Patriotic groups continue protests
Bombings in Davao
Correspondence Reports:
Is Michael Meiring back?
Correspondence Reports:
Banana prices raised in Central Mindanao
Correspondence Reports:
A victory for propaganda and education
Correspondence Reports:
Cassava Plantation Project, A heavier burden to the peasant masses
Victorious NPA offensives

Articles in 21 April 2003

Thwart the US' imposition of imperialist power worldwide
Lessons from the 12-year imperialist suppression campaign against Iraq
The imposition of a new "Pax Americana"
Denationalization, privatization and plunder in the name of "reconstruction"
A vultures' feast
On its 30th founding anniversary
NDF: The indestructible bastion of the Filipino people's struggle
Correspondence Reports:
NPA gains strength in Mindanao
Victorious NPA Offensives:
Active defense in Bulacan
Victorious NPA Offensives:
Armed struggle continues to advance

Articles in 07 May 2003

Further resist intensifying militarization in Mindoro and other areas
Murder of activists in Mindoro
Widespread anger flares against 204th Brigade
Davao City, a laboratory for fascist measures
Fascist state on a rampage
Human rights violations intensifying
May First centenary
Challenges to the workers' movement
Thousands of workers
troop to the streets on May 1
In search of greener pastures
Correspondence reports:
RPA-ABB's corruption further bared
Developments overseas

Articles in 21 May 2003

Support the Moro people�s struggle against intensifying attacks by the US-Arroyo regime!
Bombings in Mindanao
The regime shows off to the US
Bt corn: Toxic corn from Monsanto
Government defenseless against SARS
Ka Elvira, the caring revolutionary
The lopsided road to peace in Palestine

Articles in 07 June 2003

The US is arming the Arroyo regime to the hilt
US pushes for bigger permanent military presence
Despite the ceasefire:
AFP attacks against MILF continue
Correspondence Reports:
Gains of the agrarian revolution reaped in Samar
Lies behind the war on Iraq
Bush's new nuclear plan
Imperialism's propaganda giants
British soldiers tortured Iraqis
Just like the movie Rambo

Articles in 21 June 2003

Arroyo, US imperialism's candidate in the 2004 elections
CPP condemns agreement exempting US from ICC prosecution
Deception in Mindanao:
Malaca�ang cooks up schemes for Arroyo's visit
Correspondence Reports
Three important lessons
Correspondence Reports
Interest rates on loans reduced, corn prices raised in Isabela and Cagayan
Successful NPA offensives
9 soldiers from 52nd Recon Coy killed in NPA counteroffensive
Dean Armando Malay:
A patriotic and democratic journalist and human rights advocate
NPA frees captured sergeant
Dvelopments overseas
Liars further exposed and repudiated
Developments overseas
More falsification
Developments overseas
Anti-US resistance grows in Iraq and Afghanistan
Developments overseas
The G8's greed in Africa

Articles in 07 July 2003

Batter the Arroyo regime with more tactical offensives
Victorious NPA offensives:
More widespread, more frequent
Victorious NPA offensives:
The NPA suffered no casualties in the encounters in Pampanga and Zambales � Ka Roger
Correspondence reports:
The successful establishment of a revolutionary union
Correspondence reports:
Victories and valuable lessons from the Central Azucarera de Tarlac strike
Correspondence reports:
Twists and turns in the struggle of Lepanto Mining workers

Articles in 21 July 2003

Oppose and thwart the repression
of the legal democratic movement
Violence and fraud in the Isabela elections
41st IB attempts murder of peasant leaders in Cagayan
Arroyo-Cojuangco conflict intensifies
Victorious NPA offensives
Correspondence Reports
Establishing a MAKIBAKA chapter in a barrio in Bicol
Correspondence Reports
The fight against illegal drugs in Eastern Visayas
Correspondence Reports
The AFP and PNP are the country�s biggest drug syndicates
Correspondence Reports
3 RHB elements tried by people�s court
Bishop of the poor
AFP junior officers and rank-and-file restive
Developments overseas
The worsening US economy

Articles in 26 July 2003

The Truth About Romulo Kintanar

Articles in 07 August 2003

Exploit and intensify the rifts within the AFP
The regime is forcibly concealing the roots of the Makati mutiny
SONA 2003, Arroyo's fantasy
Fascist state on a rampage:
Record of the US-Arroyo regimes human rights violations
Correspondence reports:
Victories in dismantling the CAFGU in the Cordillera
Correspondence reports:
Military and CPLA behind marijuana production and trade
Victorious NPA offensives
CPP salutes Chairman Salamat Hashim

Articles in 15 August 2003

Take advantage of the situation arising from the mutiny of junior military officers

Articles in 21 August 2003

The AFP is on a losing course
Grave corruption in the AFP
The brazen murder of Jessica Chavez
Correspondence reports:
The triumph of the revolutionary movement in Southern Tagalog
Escalation of US political intervention in the country:
Manipulating the peace process
Intensifying union struggle at SMC
Ka Bert Olalia - a great hero of the working class
Victorious NPA offensives

Articles in 07 September 2003

Intensify the people's struggle to overthrow the US-Arroyo regime
Quarrel between thieves:
Lacson exposes Arroyos' ill-gotten wealth
Victorious NPA Offensives:
NPA seizes 22 firearms in raids and ambushes
AFP soldiers encouraged to join revolutionary movement
AFP, CAFGU troops in Agusan del Sur defect to the NPA
In Eastern Visayas:
Excellent Party leadership in the locality
From the ranks of youth and students:
Ka Leo in the countryside
Developments Overseas:
Iraqi armed resistance spreading

Articles in 21 September 2003

Strengthen the protest movement against corruption and the US-Arroyo regime
Prospects of Macapagal-Arroyo before the 2004 elections
GMA: Desperately clinging to power
Intensifying media repression
Intensifying repression:
Growing list of victims
Running around in circles
Ka Amado V. Hernandez:
Communist, labor leader, poet, novelist and journalist
WTO summit in Cancun collapses
Protests against Cancun agenda succeed
Victorious NPA offensives

Articles in 07 October 2003

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, number one hypocrite
Assert and defend the people's legal and democratic struggle
Massacre of four activists in Compostela Valley strongly condemned
In the Ilocos-Cordillera region:
NPA assails AFP lies
Multi-million peso thievery in PAGCOR
Revolutionary unionism expands, gains strength
Tribal wars and bodong in the Cordillera
Conflict in the Middle East:
US and Israel reap widespread condemnation

Articles in 21 October 2003

The Filipino people repudiate the chief imperialist and terrorist
Fiery protests greet Bush
Bush and GMA cook up bilateral agreements
Correspondence Reports:
Lessons and victories in the agrarian struggle in Isabela
Correspondence Reports:
The �Orgullo� Brigade is a failure in Bicol
Correspondence Reports:
People�s opposition to the SOT in the Cordillera
Correspondence Reports:
The story behind the raid in Oras, Eastern Samar
NDF-GRP peace talks to resume
Two new books by Ka Joema launched
Fraport exposes Malaca�ang extort try
Victorious NPA offensives

Articles in 07 November 2003

Oppose the anti-people maneuvers of the reactionaries