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III. The World Is Fraught with Contradictions

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Central Committee

December 26, 1991

The Filipino Communists Are Among the Bolsheviks

In taking an overview of the world today, the Communist Party of the Philippines considers itself as being among the proletarian revolutionary parties adhering to the revolutionary essence of Marxism and persevering in revolutionary struggle mainly on the ground of the domestic crisis, like the Bolsheviks in the period when capitalism was expanding and developing into modern imperialism and the Second International was dominated by the classical revisionists who ultimately became embarrassed and disintegrated in 1914. Soon after the collapse of the Second International, the Bolsheviks won the Great October Socialist Revolution in 1917.

Another dark period for the anti-imperialist and socialist movement arose when fascist regimes wiped out communist parties in the period before World War II; and the forces of fascism invaded and wrought havoc on the Soviet Union in World War II. From that dark period, several socialist countries would emerge and the national liberation movements would forge ahead in an unprecedented way.

The anti-imperialist and socialist movement is bound to resurge at a new and higher level because of the insoluble crisis of the world capitalist system, the lessons from more than three decades of peaceful evolution of socialism to blatant capitalism and the irresistible demands of the proletariat and the people for national liberation, democracy and genuine socialism.

History goes into twists and turns. It will not end until the earth goes into a blackhole. Capitalism is not the end of history but is the forerunner of socialism. As proletarian internationalists, we must link up with all revolutionary parties, movements and peoples in all countries and work together with them in bringing about the resurgence of the anti-imperialist and socialist movement. ###

For the Central Committee Communist Party of the Philippines

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