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Summing Up Our Experience After Three Years

Taken from ANG KADRE
Pahayagang Panteorya
Tanging Palathala
May 1973


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Central Committee,
Communist Party of the Philippines

March 3, 1972

On the whole, the revolutionary work of the Communist Party of the Philippines since its Congress of Re-Establishment has been exceedingly vigorous, militant and fruitful. It is wrong, however, to appraise our work either from the viewpoint that everything is positive or from the viewpoint that everything is negative.

We should be analytical in summing-up our work and the undertakings of the masses. We have to know our achievements, difficulties and shortcomings in the context of historical development. In that way, we can have a full grasp of our situation. We can draw lessons from our experience and rectify errors and weaknesses. As a result, we can muster greater strength and take up new tasks in the revolutionary struggle for people's democracy against U.S. imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.

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