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Pomeroy's Portrait: Revisionist Renegade

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Amado Guerrero

April 22, 1972

Revolutionary School of Mao Tse Tung Thought
Communist Party of the Philippines

Pomeroy's Portrait: Revisionist Renegade is a compilation of six critical essays written by Chairman Amado Guerrero to defend the universal theory of Marxism-Leninism and the proletarian revolutionary line of the Communist Party of the Philippines and to combat a wide assortment of opportunist and revisionist ideas spewed out in six books by the counter-revolutionary renegade and scab William J. Pomeroy.

All these critical essays were initially published in separate special issues of Ang Bayan, official publication of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines. To make the present book, Chairman Amado Guerrero has made certain modifications on the original texts and titles of the essays.

It is clear why sharp attention has been given to Pomeroy. He has been the most valuable among the Lava revisionist renegades in spreading in the Philippines and abroad counter-revolutionary revisionist ideas. His writings have been published and circulated by the Soviet, American and Philippine revisionist renegades.

Pomeroy is liable to have spread noxious ideas more than the Lavas themselves, the dynastic chieftains of the Philippine revisionist renegades, whose writtings are sparse and crude. As a matter of fact, his writings are often quoted and cited by the Lava revisionist renegades who look up to him as some sort of ideological authority.

Among the Lava revisionist renegades, Pomeroy enjoys today the status of being the most trusted agent of Soviet social-imperialism. Under the cover of revisionist phrasemongering, he also exercises his role as a special agent of U.S. imperialism. There is ample proof to show that he has been an undercover agent of U.S. imperialism, with the specific task of sabotaging the Philippine revolutionary movement.

His counter-revolutionary record is well-known in the Philippines. He collaborated with the notorious anti-communist Luis Taruc in writing the "authobiography" of betrayal, Born of the People. Under the pretext of gathering material for this book, he gathered intelligence data for U.S. imperialism. At the same time, he glorified Taruc in a sleek maneuver to spread counter-revolutionary ideas and the black line of capitulationism. To keep himself planted in the old merger party, he followed the Jose-Jesus Lava clique in its shifts from Right opportunism to "Left" opportunism.

After giving himself up to the enemy in the course of Operation "Four Roses" in 1952, he spent time in prison only to be part of the reactionary government's campaign to break the spirit of political prisoners and sponge for information that filtered in from the revolutionary mass movement. He wrote in prison the first draft of the pessimistic book, The Forest, despite the objections of others. It was upon the intercession of the U.S. government that he was released from prison in late 1961, a decade ahead of the release of those who had been sentenced like him to life imprisonment at the least. His release was in line with the U.S. imperialist support for the splitting activities of the Khrushchov revisionist renegade clique in the international communist movement. His ability to write opportunist trash qualified him for a new task from his U.S. imperialist master.

Soon after his release, he started to perform his job of churning out revisionist propaganda. He put out The Forest (1963) and Guerrilla Warfare and Counter-Guerrilla Warfare (1964) to futilely impugn the validity of Chairman Mao's theory of people's war for the Philippines and other countries. Posing as a repentant "Left" opportunist, he sought to promote the counter-revolutionary line of "peaceful coexistence, peaceful transition and peaceful competition" of the Khrushchov revisionist renegades.

Adapting himself to the full growth of opportunism into imperialism in the Soviet Union, he tacked himself to the Brezhnev revisionist renegade clique. He wrote Half a Century of Socialism (1967) in praise of the all-round restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union and in denigration of the October Revolution and the great communist leaders. He subsequently arranged Guerrilla Warfare and Marxism (1968), a compilation of excerpts of Marxist and anti-Marxist writings (including his own), on which he superimposed his revisionist commentaries. In the book he tries once more to impugn the theory of people's war.

Shamelessly exposing himself totally as a direct agent of U.S imperialism, besides being a direct agent of Soviet social-imperialism, he put out American Neo-Colonialism (1970) the purpose of which is not to expose U.S. neo- colonialism but to use the term "neo-colonialism" as the equivalent of Kautsky's theory of "supra-imperialism" and then to whitewash the American colonial record of violence and greed in the Philippines from the turn of the century to 1964.

A critical study of Pomeroy's books provides us a clear understanding of the anti-Marxist and anti-Leninist character of the Lava revisionist renegades and sharpens our understanding of the universal theory of Marxism-Leninism Mao Tsetung Thought. It helps to develop further our ability to grasp the proletarian revolutionary line and frustrate the attempts of the Soviet revisionist renegades and their local agents to subvert and sabotage the Philippine revolution, the Filipino peoples's struggle for national liberation and democracy.

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