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Ulos: Agosto 1999
Mga Tula
TOC Hail to the Jeep

Regard the King of the Road: presidential metaphor Of transport to progress for the masses, Inferior third world contrivance Out of the postwar junk of GI Joes. Discern the neocolonial contraption of the state Taking the people from nowhere to nowhere On the ramshackle ride of diversions.   BASTA DRIVER, SWEET LOVER. The President lectures the masses To take their pleasures in other ways And stop breeding even more poverty Though macho satiation prevailed In his example of unbridled fathering� The least this braggadocio is He wasn�t firing blank bullets Unlike Marcos whose war medals Came not out of Bataan but a novelty shop. But if obscenity must be cited It must not be the sight of children Screaming on the mud floor of a peasant hut But the presidential fat brats Glutting themselves in ruling-class privilege No longer human in shape or want While the ruled gasp out the hunger that is human.   BAWAL ANG SABIT SA BIYAHENG LANGIT. The people know where they want to go. Not the artful barker of hollow promises, Cunning invoker of cherished dreams Of redeeming the prostituted motherland, And land for the peasantry�s dispossession, And true power, not force of exploitation, In the bending of the working class arm, And then a school with a roof for the innocents. Pity the sleeping, they are startled awake In the turbulence of the unpleasant ride Over old potholes. The road well-trodden by Neocolonial politicians they have renamed Philippines 2000, and fallen flat in awe at the progress made.   HILA MO, HINTO KO. Estrada does not hear out of pretense The imprecations of the discontented Over old and new cronies monopolizing The conversation as well as everything else. Danding gloats in his glutton�s appetite For coconuts, sugarcane and San Miguel beer; Lucio flies paper planes of dismissal notices; And Imelda sings �Dahil sa Iyo� to the masses Like a confession as she fondles her jewelry. In a country where strings need to be pulled The masses hold none. Only the great paragons Of greed staking their claims on the vast Plantations and factories, to the last drop of lifeblood And sweat of labor of the workers and peasants. Stop! But the wheels of the neocolonial conveyance go on Without remorse, and over the din of suffering and resistance, One stands above all, the imperialist Ultimate Supervisor Pulling the strings to Estrada. Erap is not an actor. He is a puppet.

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