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Kultura Home Songs Ulos STR, Visual Artworks Poetry Prose
Ulos: Agosto 1999
Mga Tula
TOC To My First-born

  how do i make him understand why i live for and work with thousands. the mountain people, the luckless landless peasants, the weary workers, the restless searching youth, the underpaid professionals?   how do i make him see with my eyes the tears and blood of centuries? how do i make him hear with my ears the cries of hunger and of anger?   how do i make him believe that life is lived not only for one�s self and family but also for the downtrodden and deprived that they too may live and not just exist? how do i make him understand that freedom is fought for and not given that peace comes after the war that the ocean roars with the waves that calm sets in after the storm and quake that he was born after bloodily tearing away from my womb?   how do i make him feel the pain of a young mother forced to leave her first-born by the fascist declaration of martial law? how do i make him feel the confusion and frustration of a young wife hearing ambiguous news of her comrade-husband? how do i make him feel a mother�s longing for eighteen years for her first flesh and blood? how do i make him feel the joy and fulfillment when he is with me the emptiness and uncertainty when we say goodbye?   he made me remember my promise that i would come back to him. he asked how long and why so long i saw him suffer, i felt his pain.   shall i give up my convictions then shall i leave all that i lived for in exchange for son and his siblings?   but how shall i face the world? how shall i face life? how shall i face you? for then, my son, i would no longer be the mother whom you knew.   how shall i tell him that my spirit still soars, still restless for the freedom I�ve so long fought for? how shall i tell him when i come back to him it will be with triumph in my eyes and smile. amid cheers and roars of millions for freedom won?   yet how shall i tell him too that after all, i may not be so lucky to live it all through? how shall i tell him that such is life for the revolution exacts great price?

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