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Ulos: Hunyo 2003
TOC From the Philippines to Vietnam: Birds of Prey

  Curse the birds of prey That drop their iron eggs Wantonly That crush the fields Viciously Sowing hunger Hatching death Ripping the breast Of our dear brotherland.   Vietnam! Vietnam! Every bomb on your breast Is a blow on our hearts.   The crags of terror Are in Mactan, Clark Field Sangley Point and manywheres; The nests of evil here Comfort the black birds That torture you.   How many nests of evil Have been built On your soil? How much fire and poison Have the black birds breathed out? How many claws Have ruined and robbed you Of your children and substance?   Answer us with mortars and rockets, Land mines and night raids. Answer us with the myriad sounds of your guns. Answer us with your fight for freedom. Answer us with cautious whispers In your endless tunnels And shout to us in triumph After every battle against our common foe.   Let the wasps of your anger Sting his ugly face. Let the mountains break The neck of the black birds. Their dirty payload of fragmentation And white phosphorous bombs Can neither burn nor break your spirit.   Nature is the friend of the fighting masses, Command every inch of it with genius. Let every bush, tree and rock be a shield, Ensnare the enemy into the eye of a rifle Or into a pit of bamboo stakes Hidden by rivers and carpets of leaves.   Let every coconut tree Be the taut bow of an arrow. Let the eastern wind Strike the western terror in flight.        

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