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Ulos: Pebrero 2000
Mga Tula at iba pa
TOC STP (Serve the People)

Farewell thee, now, Great comrade, great friend. Shall we meet again, somewhere In our guerilla base, In the warm smile of peasant activists, In the summit of our dreams Shall we meet again To discuss which path to take and how In the maze of people's war or In the wide spaces of our alliances. Death Shall not bar you from us Great comrade, great friend. For the mountains and you are one As the masses and their struggles are one Moving us to higher ground, and higher still In the wellspring of your commitment. "I only want to serve the people, nothing else," you Told us once so humbly it changed our lives forever.   And the masses that you have served Ever so fine, so faithfully, Can they forget their mountain spring, Their source of strength and wisdom? Will they not carry the imprint of your life In the heartbeat of their struggle? Will they not turn their tears to rage, Their grief to revolutionary fervor? Our guns burn with fury at the enemy, the fascists Now must face the people's wrath Bear the brunt of young revolutionaries Growing on your memory. Each will take the path you've taken Patient, brave and true. Your death affirms the life we'll lead again and again: To serve the people to the last breath. Look, a thousand, a million masses Now are rising up, like you always said There is no other way but the revolution.                              

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