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Kultura Home Songs Ulos STR, Visual Artworks Poetry Prose
Ulos: Hunyo 2003
TOC Landscape with Figures

  Homeward again under foreign stars, history was a strange gush of wind from memory that came to echo waterfalls of those years: home to find the place lost among galaxies of signs.�The hills were gone.�The river trail was forgotten. . . Trying to remember meadowlark and those who perished in the vanishing land (bones in the earth where our parents died poor), the journey fell into heavy tides of flowing scorn that echoed and reechoed time there.   The sun was most unkind to the place: history: names of men: patterns of life: all that the distant floodtide heaved and moved, breaking familiar names that immortal tongues clipped for the heart to cry, "Home is a foreign address, every step toward it is a step toward three hundred years of exile from the truth. . ."   It was not homeward to the first known land, nor escape to white sea sprays blossoming on inland shore, nor love leaping the boundaries naked in the soul, but a vast heritage of war and destruction breaking too soon for the living and willing to die.   Life is a foreign language. Every man mispronounced it . . .      

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