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A salute to the NDFP's 30th year

Makabayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan
(women sector)
April 24, 2003

The MAKABAYANG KILUSAN NG BAGONG KABABAIHAN salutes the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) on its 30th anniversary on April 24. This united front for waging the people's democratic revolution has become even more relevant today as revolutionaries the world over prepare for the onslaught of US imperialist wars of aggression, as seen lately in the invasion of Iraq.

The Filipino women, along with the men, are assured that under the banner of the National Democratic Front the fight against US imperialism shall be relentlessly pursued on Philippine shores. No amount of "shock and awe" could dissuade Filipino revolutionaries from the path of emancipation and national liberation. The Iraqi experience - bombed, devastated, ruined - have steeled the will of women to fight even more. As to US aggressors, they will have to hurdle men and women who, for the past decades, have lived and breathed guerrilla warfare. The imperialists and their local lackeys will surely dig their own graveyards in the midst of people's war.

A protracted people's war nurtured MAKIBAKA and has gained for it more adherents by the day, especially in the vast countryside. Women peasants form the main bulk of MAKIBAKA, followed by working class women and women of the petty bourgeoisie in the cities. There is no path to women other than the revolution. And as the National Democratic Front gain more years, so has the MAKIBAKA grown in experience --whether in support of, or participating directly, in armed struggle or forming the underground mass movement in the cities.

The MAKIBAKA is indeed fortunate to be under the wing of the National Democratic Front. Not only does it espouse national liberation or militant patriotism in the clearest terms. It has also advocated for class and sectoral interests, noteworthy of which is the revolutionary emancipation of women in all spheres.

This legacy, this pride, in revolutionary emancipation is once again expressed by MAKIBAKA in responding to the NDFP's call to fight US intervention and all-out aggression against revolutionary forces and the entire Filipino people. The MAKIBAKA is one with the National Democratic Front in defending our Motherland -- our land, our children, our people. Every inch of space or territory taken from us shall be marked by a martyr's blood. And woe to the US aggressors who will bear the brunt of the women's wrath and the people's resistance.

Long live the National Democratic Front!

Long live the people's democratic revolution!

Long live women's emancipation!###

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