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Statements of solidarity received from various parties and organizations on the occasion
of the 35th Anniversary of the reestablishment
of the Communist Party of the Philippines

Partido de la Liberaci�n (PL) de Argentina, Argentina

Comit� Central, Partido Comunista Revolucionario de la Argentina, Argentina

Communist Action � Marxist-Leninist (KOMAK-ML, Austria), Austria

Socialist Party of Bangladesh, Bangladesh

Central Committee of the Workers Party Of Bangladesh, Bangladesh

Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Belgium, Belgium

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brasil-Red Fraction, Brasil

Communist Party of Brazil - PCdoB, Brazil

New Communist Party of Britain, Britain

Workers� Communist Party Of Denmark (APK), Denmark

The Central Committee of the Workers' Communist Party of France, France

Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany - MLPD, Germany

Workers' League for the Restoration of the Communist Party of Germany, Germany

Communist Party of Great Britain, Great Britain

Communist Party Of India (Marxist-Leninist) New Democracy, Central Committee, India

Communist Party Of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, India

CPI(ML)(PEOPLE'S WAR), Central Commitee, India

International Leninist Current (ILC), International

Central Committee of the Organisation of Iranian People Fadaii Guerrillas, Iran

The Irish Republican Socialist Party, Ireland

Partito Comunista maoista (Italy), Central Commitee, Italy

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Japan (Left), Japan

The Central Committee of Japan Communist League (JCL), Japan

Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary Forum, Nepal

Communist Party of Nepal (UML), Nepal

GML/Rode Morgen, Netherlands

Central Committee of the New Communist Party of the Netherlands, Netherlands

Anti-Capitalist Alliance, New Zealand

Workers' Party of New Zealand, New Zealand

Communist Party Marxist Leninist (revolutionaries), Sweden

Communist Party of Turkey, Turkey

Partido Comunista Revolucionario del Uruguay, Uruguay

Statements of solidarity
received from various
parties and organizations
on the occasion
of the 35th anniversary of
the reestablishment of
the Communist Party
of the Philippines


Boldly Advance the Philippine Revolution Amidst Worsening Global and National Crisis
Statement of Armando Liwanag,
Chairperson of the CPP,
on the Party's 35th year of reestablishment

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