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Solidarity message

Communist Party Of India (Marxist-Leninist) New Democracy, Central Committee

On the Occasion
of the 35th Anniversary of the reestablishment
of the Communist Party of the Philippines

To The Central Committee, Communist Party of Philippines

Dear Comrades,

Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-New Democracy and the rank and file of our Party extend their sincere revolutionary greetings to the Central Committee of Communist Party of Philippines, its rank and file, its valiant fighters and large number of its supporters and sympathisers on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the re-establishment of the Communist Party of Philippines. In these 35 years, CPP has scored significant victories both in the ideological field as well as in fighting the enemy, of which revolutionary communists all over the world, including those of India, are justly proud. It has registered significant increase in its military capability through NPA and its wide reach among the people through creative and imaginative use of the weapon of united front.

We in India have always observed with interest and rejoiced in your achievements in the field of revolutionary work in Philippines. CPP is justly and appropriately an important contingent of international proletariat fighting to overthrow imperialism and reaction through making revolution in their respective countries. We cherish your victories and advances. We particularly value the second rectification movement conducted by CPP against the right and 'left' mistakes and the overcoming of trends rejecting the revolutionary orientation of CPP. Moreover, this struggle in the ideological, political and military field was conducted preserving the unity of CPP and augmenting its fighting capacity and mass base. We greet the leadership and rank and file of CPP on this stupendous task which paved the way for qualitative and quantitative growth of CPP.

CPI(ML), which was established approximately at the same time through reorganization of the Communist movement in India for the second time, broadly shares with you not only the tasks confronting the communist revolutionaries but also the fact that our Party too was established in April 1969, roughly two years after the glorious Naxalbari armed peasant struggle, in the heat of world wide struggle against modern revisionism under the leadership of the great teacher of international proletariat, Com. Mao Zedong. CPI(ML) from its birth adopted Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought as its ideological guide which it unwaveringly continues to uphold till date.

Creatively applying the universal teachings of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought to the concrete conditions of Indian society and practice of Indian revolution, CPI(ML)-New Democracy is engaged in developing areas of sustained resistance in the countryside as political, organizational and military preparation for launching armed struggle to establish liberated base areas. This task in the countryside in several areas of India is the concrete form of our primary task i.e. of developing agrarian revolutionary movement. Considering the vastness of our country our strength is quite small. We are still in the process of establishing countrywide presence.

Our country too being semicolonial, semifeudal, we share with you the overall strategic perspective of protracted people's war to carry new democratic revolution to victory. We too have to encounter ideological-political attack from revisionist parties which are fairly strong in our country. Further we too have to fight against attacks on our analysis of Indian society from those denying its semifeudal, semicolonial character, exaggerating its capitalist development and denying the indirect rule of imperialists in our country. This attack, sometimes coming from within the revolutionary camp, is similar to revisionists' attack on the basic orientation of revolutionary communists. We also share with you a struggle against these deviationist trends.

Comrades, today the imperialists have intensified their attacks on third world countries. In particular, US imperialism is launching feverish attacks to secure its world hegemony. For that they are targeting the countries not willing to dance to their baton and are especially concentrating on crushing the revolutionary movement in a number of countries. They are sending their army and military advisors to these countries to help the reactionary rulers there. Philippines is a prime example of this blatant aggressive act of US imperialism. We express our full solidarity with revolutionary Filipino people in fighting against the combined onslaught of US imperialism and puppet reactionary rulers.

In India under the imperialist diktats, the reactionary ruling classes, the comprador big bourgeoisie and big landlords, are implementing economic policies which are increasing destitution and misery of the people. Workers, peasants and other toiling sections are worst affected by these policies. All sections of people are increasingly coming out in struggle against these policies of the ruling classes which are increasingly resorting to parochial mobilization of the people to divert attention from their pro-imperialist, anti-people policies and to disrupt their struggles. Another aspect of the increasing imperialist penetration is the mushrooming of NGOs funded by imperialist countries. These NGOs, which are receiving huge funds from abroad, specially target the areas and sections of people which are coming out in struggle.

Intensifying imperialist offensive against third world countries as well as against working masses in imperialist countries, is creating conditions favourable for the growth and strengthening of revolutionary movement in different countries as well for cooperation among the revolutionary forces for delivering blows against imperialism and reactionaries. In these conditions while welcoming the CPP Chairman's message to "Boldly Advance the Philippine Revolution Amidst Worsening Global and national Crisis", we too consider the situation in India favourable for the growth of revolutionary movement and people's struggles here. Central Committee of our Party, while intervening in people's struggles, has decided to intensify its efforts for further development of resistance struggle areas and to build other areas of resistance struggle.

Comrades, our parties have worked together during International Conferences of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations and have found themselves in agreement on basic issues confronting the revolutionary movement. We deeply value the opinions of CPP on different issues and look forward to further cooperation in ICMLPO and other international fora.

Once again, our whole Party greets CPP leadership and ranks on the 35th anniversary of its re-establishment. We wish it success and victories in advancing the Philippine Revolution. Future of revolutionary movement is indeed bright both in Philippines and India as the conditions are turning favourable for advance.

Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought!
Boldly Advance the Revolutionary Movement!
Gain Further Successes and Victories!
Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!

December 26, 2003

International Department
Central Committee
CPI(ML)-New Democracy

Statements of solidarity
received from various
parties and organizations
on the occasion
of the 35th anniversary of
the reestablishment of
the Communist Party
of the Philippines

Great Britain
New Zealand
New Zealand


Boldly Advance the Philippine Revolution Amidst Worsening Global and National Crisis
Statement of Armando Liwanag,
Chairperson of the CPP,
on the Party's 35th year of reestablishment

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