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Solidarity message

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Japan (Left)

On the Occasion
of the 35th Anniversary of the reestablishment
of the Communist Party of the Philippines

Comrade Patricia Verdad
International Department
Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines

Dear Comrade,

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Japan (Left) sends the following message to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of its reestablishment.

With revolutionary greetings,

International Department
Communist Party of Japan (Left)


December 26, 2003

Central Committee, Communist Party of the Philippines

Dear Comrades,

On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Japan (Left) conveys to you its warmest revolutionary greetings on behalf of its entire membership and the revolutionary proletariat in Japan.

Your party was reestablished 35 years ago through the First Great Rectification Movement against modern revisionism under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. Since then, your party has integrated the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete conditions of your semicolonial and semifeudal society and the concrete practice of the Philippine revolution, fought against the U.S. imperialist domination and the reactionary ruling system of big compradors and landlords and developed the struggle for new democratic revolution with socialist perspective.

Your party has carried out the mass line based on the thought of serving the people, become deeply rooted among the toiling masses of workers and peasants, aroused and mobilized them along the line of new democratic revolution, waged the protracted people's war on the basis of a huge mass base and developed the democratic mass movement by wielding the united front.

Your party has fought against modern revisionism and opportunism, abided by the principle of democratic centralism, practiced criticism and self-criticism and struggled to build a vanguard party able to take the responsibility of the Philippine revolution. In this regard, the Second Great Rectification Movement has great importance.

Your party which has the experience of overthrowing the despotic regime of Marcos and the corrupt Estrada regime by a broad alliance on the basis of the basic alliance of the working class and peasantry now pursues the struggle for ousting the Arroyo puppet regime and expelling U.S. imperialism from your country.

The anti-U.S. national liberation movement in your country and the anti-imperialist and anti-revisionist struggle of your party contribute to the world proletarian revolution and international communist movement.

The Communist Party of Japan (Left) was founded in 1969 through the anti-revisionist rebellion - struggle against modern revisionism and Miyamoto revisionism. Under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, our party has opposed the domination of U.S. imperialism and the Japanese monopoly bourgeoisie and struggled to win the victory in the revolutionary movement for liberation of the Japanese people.

The Fourth Congress of our party held in 1993 achieved a historic victory. It disclosed counterrevolutionary revisionism which had destroyed the framework of the party's revolutionary line and caused historical setbacks to the mass movement and the party, and clarified the way of rectifying the errors and building a genuine vanguard party.

We are in the process of performing the decisions of the Congress. That is the second anti-imperialist and anti-revisionist struggle after the anti-revisionist rebellion in 1966. The purpose of this struggle is to smash modern revisionism and build a genuine vanguard party able to hold on to the anti-imperialist patriotic line, establish the thought of serving the people and follow the mass line. The movement to commemorate the achievements of Chairman Fukuda who passed away in December, 2001 is the core of the second anti-imperialist and anti-revisionist struggle.

To break up the U.S. imperialist domination is our primary task. We carry on the struggle of expelling U.S. imperialism from our country, overthrowing Japanese imperialism and realizing a socialist Japan and, in link with this struggle, we fight against U.S.-led imperialism and reactionaries in unity with the proletariat and oppressed peoples in the world.

We hope that your party will achieve great success in your efforts to advance the Philippine revolution amidst the worsening crisis of the world capitalist system and the ruling system of big compradors and landlords in the Philippines.

Hail to the 35th anniversary of the reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines!

Long live the fraternal unity between the Communist Party of Japan (Left) and the Communist Party of the Philippines!

Long live Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism!

Central Committee
Communist Party of Japan (Left)

Statements of solidarity
received from various
parties and organizations
on the occasion
of the 35th anniversary of
the reestablishment of
the Communist Party
of the Philippines

Great Britain
New Zealand
New Zealand


Boldly Advance the Philippine Revolution Amidst Worsening Global and National Crisis
Statement of Armando Liwanag,
Chairperson of the CPP,
on the Party's 35th year of reestablishment

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