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Solidarity message

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brasil-Red Fraction

On the Occasion
of the 35th Anniversary of the reestablishment
of the Communist Party of the Philippines

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, December 16th, 2003

To the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of the Philippines


The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brasil-Red Fraction and all its militants send the warmest greetings to the Central Committee, leaders and militants of the heroic Communist Party of the Philippines for the 35th anniversary of your reconstitution and praise your martyrs. It is an enormous happiness to be able share with the Philippines comrades, the proletariat and the people's masses of your country this so significant date and important event. The proletariat and the people's revolutionary masses of all countries celebrate with joy and satisfaction such happening of paramount importance to the international communist movement and of the long history of heroism of the international proletariat.

The 35th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines is commemorated in a moment in which the capitalist crisis has been aggravated all the world over carrying misery, pain, suffering and limitless death to the billion of exploited and oppressed masses. The capitalism crisis not only accentuates the exploitation and oppression of the nations and masses dominated by the imperialism but creates the most barbaric aggressions and unfair wars. The capitalist world system crisis is so huge that threatens to explode in its complete collapse.

On those conditions the imperialist, under the command of the yankee imperialist, have unleashed a new counter-revolutionary offensive in general and in a planet climbing. The so-called "war to terror" is not but a pre-emptive deed of the reaction towards revolution. The imperialists and the world reaction fear their immediate future. They launch their aggression campaigns and wars to intimidate against the inevitable and just rebellion of the million beings submitted to such a brutal situation.

The aggression to Afeghanistan and Iraq has only shown part of their terrorist plans. The machinations performed by the iankees in the last period of the "cold War, as well as the organizations named by them as "Muslim fundamentalists", are managed for creating the pretexts and justifications for their sinister actions. Thus they have been increasing theirs interventions around the world and have invaded the Philippine territory with the justification of "combating terrorism" of Abbu Sayaf, when their aim is to attack Philippine revolution led by your magnificent Communist Party.

That is why the 35th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines is celebrated in a moment in which the people's resistance has been enlarged in the whole planet. A new wave of the proletarian world revolution has already started. Our Party has no doubts that the next years and even decades will be quite hard; they will be times of wars, and we get ready for that. However, at the same time we are deeply sure that the coming years will be of great people's combats. We long for the day in which our Party and our country's masses will unite with the Philippine people and their grand Party in the People's War.

Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Brasil-Red Fraction

Statements of solidarity
received from various
parties and organizations
on the occasion
of the 35th anniversary of
the reestablishment of
the Communist Party
of the Philippines

Great Britain
New Zealand
New Zealand


Boldly Advance the Philippine Revolution Amidst Worsening Global and National Crisis
Statement of Armando Liwanag,
Chairperson of the CPP,
on the Party's 35th year of reestablishment

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