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Solidarity message

Communist Action ­ Marxist-Leninist (KOMAK-ML, Austria)

On the Occasion
of the 35th Anniversary of the reestablishment
of the Communist Party of the Philippines

KOMAK-ML (Austria)
PostBox 127
A 1091 Wien
Austria, EU
[email protected]

c/o NDFP Information Office
Amsterdamsestraatweg 50
NL 3513 AG Utrecht, Netherlands
[email protected]

Vienna (Austria), December 2003

Dear Comrades,

The 3rd Conference of Communist Action ­ Marxist-Leninist (KOMAK-ML, Austria) sends our revolutionary communist greetings to the Communist Party of the Philippines, your Central Committee and your entire membership on the occation of your 35th anniversary of the re-establishment of CPP on 26 Dec. 1968.

In the past 35 years of your struggle you were a lively incentive for the communist forces all over the world as well as in Austria. Despite the serious defeats of the International Communist Movement caused by the sabotage of Chrushchev-Breshnev revisionism that led to the restauration of capitalism in the first socialist country of the world in the 1960s, and despite the disastrous splintering and dissipation of the International Marxist-Lenist Movement newly formed under the leadership of CP of China and PL of Albania which was caused by the undermining activities of followers of Chinese Deng revisionism and sectarian Hoxhaists at the end of the 1970s, the CP of the Philippines has firmly and resolutely continued its principled struggle. Through this example it has given courage and energy to all truly communist forces in the world ­ both in the neo-colonially dependent countries and the imperialist ones.

In the past 35 years the CP of the Philippines has proved in practice that communism is a living and advancing scientific theory and a political force that cannot only give answers to the burning issues of the working class and toiling masses looking for a perspective in their struggles, but that can also really lead the masses of the people under the leadership of the Marxist-Leninist Party in struggles for a better future.

Today the CP of the Philippines is leading the new democratic people's movement and uniting the oppressed and exploited masses of all sectors of the people in the united front against the US backed puppet regime. The CPP is leading the New People's Army (NPA) in 128 guerrilla fronts in 90% of the provinces and more than 50% of the municipalities, and follows the victorious stategy of encircling the towns from the country, according to the strategy of people's war developed by Mao Zedong for semi-feudal and semi-colonial countries.

Since our Founding Conference and corresponding to our modest possibilities, the KOMAK-ML has tried to develop a correct strategy and tactics for the revolutionary struggle in our small imperialist country of Austria. For nearly 10 years the ruling monopoly bourgeoisie have ­ through the membership in EU ­ made our country an aggressive part of this imperialist block which enters the stage of struggle for hegemony in the world as a big imperialist robber more and more openly and in increasing competition with US imperialism.

It was this year that the Austrian working class has proved through mass strikes and mass demonstrations, that were not seen in Austria für more than 50 years, that also the Austrian working class has not at all forgotten its tradition of struggles. The nearly absolute leadership of labour aristocracy linked and partially fused with monopoly capital is still the biggest obstacle in the trade union and social movements in Austria against the political development and unfolding of mass struggles. And we think that, together with other forces of class struggle, it is one of our most important issues to break the hegemony of labour aristocracy by building up the united front or the working class. We are making the first steps on this way and try to create a party-building organisation in close relation of theory and practice and by uniting all Marxist-Leninist forces of our country. For real advances on the way to socialist revolution in our country can only be achieved under the leadership of a Marxist-Leninist fighting party rooted in factories and in all sectors and layers of the toiling masses of the people.

We are still far from a situation as in the Philippines where the movement led by the CPP has already created forms of people's government that rule large parts of of the country in practice. But we are confident that under a politically correct leadership (that we still have to develop) also the working class and masses of the people in Austrian will be compelled by the increasing aggravation of contradictions of imperialism to bring to an end the long-lasting defensive and develop an offensive struggle for the abolition of the damned imperialist system.

We are sending our best greetings of struggle to the Communist Party of the Philippines!

Communist Action ­ Marxist-Leninist
(KOMAK-ML, Austria)


Kommunistische Aktion - marxistisch-leninistisch
c/o Postfach 127, A-1091 Wien
[email protected]


Statements of solidarity
received from various
parties and organizations
on the occasion
of the 35th anniversary of
the reestablishment of
the Communist Party
of the Philippines

Great Britain
New Zealand
New Zealand


Boldly Advance the Philippine Revolution Amidst Worsening Global and National Crisis
Statement of Armando Liwanag,
Chairperson of the CPP,
on the Party's 35th year of reestablishment

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