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Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP berates AFP for indifferent and absurd statements re POWs
March 7, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines today berated the Armed Forces of the Philippies for its utter indifference to the harm it may itself cause to its own foot soldiers held captive by the New People's Army.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal reacted to the AFP's refusal to cease its military operations in Camarines Sur and give way to negotiations for the safe and orderly release of an AFP officer and an enlisted man being held as prisoners of war (POWs) by the NPA in the area.

Rosal earlier called on the government to get in touch with the National Democratic Front peace panel to discuss terms for the release of 1st Lieutenant Ronaldo Sedelino and PFC Ronel Lemino and instruct the AFP to lift its military operations in the province and surrounding areas.

Col. Serafin Raymundo, 902nd Infantry Brigade spokesman, rejected the CPP-NPA's condition as a mere ploy for the NPA to move freely in the area.

Rosal also blasted the AFP's Southern Luzon Command (SOLCOM) for its statement yesterday through Civil Relations Group head Maj. Jose Broso. The SOLCOM spokesman dismissed the idea that the NPA has POWs "because the NPA is not a rebel group but a terrorist organization" and "(has) not yet gained the status of belligerency."

Rosal said that he expects more from the enemy than such absurd and way off utterances. "Broso should get real. Kung hindi pa niya alam (if he still doesn't know), he can find out from the field or from others that the NPA has long been waging a war, a people's war at that, which strictly complies with international rules of war."

"In fact, the AFP should be thankful that the NPA recognizes those captured from their ranks as prisoners of war and thus accorded rights in line with international humanitarian laws and rules of civilized warfare. This is poles apart from how the AFP and terrorists treat their captives." Rosal said that there have been many instances that NPA hors de combat captured by the AFP were tortured and then killed.

Rosal further explained that humane treatment and leniency towards POWs is intrinsic in the basic rules of the NPA.

"Whoever heard of a terrorist group anywhere in the world strictly following humanitarian laws, respecting and treating well enemy soldiers captured in the battlefield and offering negotiations for the safe and orderly release of the captives?" Rosal asked with sarcasm.

Rosal added that the NPA has shown its capability to keep POWs for as long as necessary. "It seems we are more concerned about their men than they are. But it is up to the government, if it cares about its own men a bit and will listen to humanitarian pleas at all." Rosal at the same time reiterated its warning against any "foolish attempt" by the AFP to extricate the POWs as this would only forestall their release and may even endanger their lives. Rosal cited the case of Major Abelardo Martin who was held in custody for a long time by the NPA but killed by AFP soldiers during a botched attempt to forcibly rescue him from his custodians even when the NPA was already preparing to release him in line with talks between the government and the NDF negotiating panel.###

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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