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Communist Party of the Philippines

Footages show humane and lenient treatment of NPA POWs in Bicol
March 16, 2004

Attached herewith are footages of prisoners of war (POWs) currently being held by the New People's Army in Camarines Sur. The footages were taken by the NPA-Romulo Jallores Command on March 1 & 2.

With the release of these footages, the NPA-Romulo Jallores Command assures the families and loved ones of the POWs as well as the general public that POWs Lt. Ronaldo Fedelino and Pfc Ronel Leme�o are treated with leniency, respect of their human rights and concern for their safety and well being amidst relentless massive military operations and wanton human abuses by the Armed Forces of the Philippines in several towns and barrios of Camarines Sur.

The two government soldiers had surrendered in battle with the NPA in March 1 in Baranggay Bataan, Tinambak, Camarines Sur. They are being kept in good conditions under NPA custody while terms for their release have yet to be negotiated with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) upon the initiative of the Philippine government. The NPA-Romulo Jallores Command had referred to POWs to the NDFP.

The NPA complies strictly with the Geneva Conventions and Protocols in regard to respect of human rights and international humanitarian laws, civilized rules of warfare, humane treatment and grant of the status and rights of uniformed enemy captives as prisoners of war. The basic rules of the CPP-NPA are consistent with these conventions and protocols.

The humanitarian policies and disciplined practice of the NPA serve to debunk the "terrorist" label that have been attached to the Communist Party of the Philippines and the NPA by the governments of the US, European countries, Canada, Australia as a result of the prior request and lobbying by the Philppine government.

As stipulated in the Geneva Conventions, POWs shall be released and repatriated upon the cessation of active hostilities. In this regard the the CPP-NPA has repeatedly called upon the Philippine government to order the immediate cessation of AFP military operations in Camarines Sur and surrounding areas to ensure the safety of the POWS and pave the way for negotiations for their safe and orderly release.

Explanatory Captions to the Footages:

1. Footage 1 ("Arrest"). Shown is Lt. Ronaldo Fedelino, immediately after being accosted by NPA fighters. Through friendly pats on the back, Lt. Fedelino is given assurance by the NPA that he will be treated well. The NPA explains to Fedelino his rights as a prisoner of war. An NPA Red fighter remarks on the background that their treatment of prisoners is very much different from the AFP's treatment of its prisoners who suffer torture and inhuman conditions of imprisonment.

2. Footage 2 ("Interview"). Pfc Ronel Leme�o being interviewed by his custodians inside a temporary camp to hold the POWs. In order to enjoy their rights as prisoners of war, they only need to state their name and rank. Also in this footage, the NPA briefs Pfc Leme�o on camp regulations.

3. Footage 3 ("Meal time"). As a policy, prisoners of war are only minimally restrained in order that they can carry-out essential daily routines. In this footage, Lt. Fedelino and Pfc Leme�o eat freely together with their custodians.

4. Footage 4 ("Medical attention"). The NPA ensures the good health of its POWs. An NPA medic checks the medical conditions of Lt. Fedelino.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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