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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Exercise Selective Leniency in Implementing PTC Policy -- CPP
March 17, 2004

�Distinctions are made in regard to the political stand and economic status of politicos and political parties who seek permission to campaign in areas under the control and influence of revolutionary political authorities.�

Thus said the Communist Party of the Philippines in response to inquiries by the media as well as numerous candidates and political parties sending feelers for talks with the CPP-NPA leadership and seeking permission to campaign in CPP-NPA areas.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal was asked whether poor and pro-people candidates and political parties also need to obtain permit to campaign certificates (PTCs) from the CPP-NPA and pay access fees as required of the �big trapos (traditional politicos) and major political parties of the ruling classes.�

Rosal said that all candidates and political parties, including party-list organizations, are required by the laws and regulations of the revolutionary government to acquire PTCs before being allowed to conduct election campaign sorties in revolutionary areas.

Rosal explained, however, that in granting PTCs, revolutionary authorities make distinctions between pro-people and anti-people candidates, between those who exploit the people and those who do not.

He said that pro-people, nationalist and progressive candidates and political parties with proven track records of service to the people, who do not belong to the upper classes and do not exploit or rob the people are granted PTCs with no or minimal fees. He added that these matters are discussed between the revolutionary authorities and the political candidates and parties.

In this regard, the CPP spokesperson denied the claim yesterday of retired army general Jaime Echeverria, a supporter of presidential candidate Fernando Poe Jr, that Poe has been exempted from access fee as well as PTC requirements. However, Rosal took positive note of Poe�s statement to �immediately reach out to all groups that have taken up arms against the government and engage in a genuine dialogue� to end insurgencies.�

Rosal stressed that the issue of PTCs goes well beyond fees. More than anything else, the issue of applying for and granting of PTCs is about the exercise and recognition of the political authority of the revolutionary movement, the willingness of candidates and political parties to abide by policies of the revolutionary movement, and the possibilities of cooperation in the interest and welfare of the people in the area,� he added.

Rosal also said that the revolutionary movement practically considers the granting of PTCs as part of its broading alliance work.

He also said that candidates, on the other hand, who are persona-non-grata because of their fascism and hostility to the revolutionary movement and the people, their blood debts and other big crimes against the people, need not bother to apply for PTCs.

�They are barred from revolutionary areas and are automatically denied PTCs," said Rosal.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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