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Communist Party of the Philippines

Muslim ID, an anti-Moro and fascist prelude to National ID --CPP
March 23, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philppines said today that the "Muslim ID" system the Philippine National Police is planning to experiment in Metro Manila Moro communities is actually a prelude to the national ID system as well as an act of national oppression on the Moro people.

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said in a statement that the Muslim ID Plan for Metro Manila Moro communities is "an outrightly condemnable act of national oppression and discrimination against the Moro people as well as a violation of their civil liberties and human rights."

Rosal said that the local fascists are "doing a Hitler" by persecuting first a minority group and eventually going after the people in general.

Rosal recalled the Hitler's Nazis first went after the Jews, then after the Communists, before going after the rest of people.

"Here, Hitler's counterparts are now going first after the Moros, then the rest of the people--the very same tack of Hitlerite fascism, Philippine-style," Rosal said.

Rosal said the Arroyo government and its police mistreat the Moro people, discriminate against them and depict them as bandits, criminals and antisocial elements.

Rosal said that the local Moro communities-turned-ghettos are repeatedly raided, looted and harrassed by local fascist military, police and intelligence operatives purportedly looking for Abu Sayyaf bandits, MILF rebels, bombing suspects, smugglers or suspects for some crime or other.

"We join the Moro people in condemning the Muslim ID plan," Rosal added. He called upon the Moro people and organizations and all democratic forces among the Filipino people to denounce and oppose the government and PNP's plan to institute the Muslim ID system as well as any other plan to institutionalize the objectionable national ID system.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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