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Communist Party of the Philippines

NPA expects more AFP defections
March 29, 2004

The New People's Army is expecting more defections of disgruntled soldiers and junior officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) as the armed revolution tallies its victories and prepares for another year of advance.

In a statement marking the 35th anniversary of the NPA, Communist Party of the Philippines spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal cited the "widespread demoralization" of AFP and PNP enlisted men and junior officers as well as CAFGU members.

He attributes this to increasing expos�s of rampant corruption, criminal activities and other shenanigans of the military top brass as well as to numerous losses of the military in battles with the revolutionary forces, including the NPA and the Bangsa Moro Islamic Liberation Army.

Rosal noted a growing ferment within the ranks of soldiers and junior officers, citing their many protest actions and mutinies especially in the past several months. He said there will probably be more "Oakwood-type protest actions." He was referring to the July 2003 declaration by junior officers belonging to the Bagong Katipunan Movement of their withdrawal of support to the Arroyo government.

He said that a number of disgruntled AFP soldiers and junior officers have been seeking dialogue with local NPA units and other revolutionary forces. He mentioned that some ask for advice and help in regard to their problems in the military, ranging from corruption, delayed and pilfered salaries, human rights violations and criminal activities by their officials.

Rosal said they expect more to join the Lt. Crispin Tagamolila Movement, which includes soldiers and officers of the AFP and PNP who have joined the NPA as well as a network of active soldiers and officers who are clandestinely cooperating and coordinating with the NPA and providing vital tactical information, weapons, logistics to the NPA.

Rosal said the CPP-NPA expects more cases of outright defections, including wholesale defections, as in the case of two CAFGU platoons and their AFP handlers in Agusan del Sur who defected to the NPA in August 2003 bringing with them several high-powered firearms.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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