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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

Jalandoni scores GRP failure to fulfill commitments in Oslo Joint Statement
March 30, 2004

NDFP Panel Chair Luis Jalandoni said in his opening statement that the GRP must comply with the Oslo Joint Statement and other bilateral agreements and to negotiate in good faith for the formal talks to advance. The GRP had earlier pledged to carry out effective measures to resolve the issue of "terrorist" listing and expedite the release of political prisoners to create favorable climate for the peace talks.

Jalandoni said that the issue of "terrorist" listing is a fundamental matter which must be resolved satisfactorily.� He said that OPAPP Head Secretary Deles' 15 February arrival statement and the GRP Negotiating Panel's "clarificatory statement on the Oslo Joint Statement" aggravated instead of helping resolve the issue.

He said that in signing the Oslo Joint Statement "the GRP has tacitly but unconditionally and irrevocably renounced its previous collaboration with the US and other governments with regard to the 'terrorist listing'" because such "terrorist" listing is violative of the Hague Joint Declaration, the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) and other bilateral agreements.

"This is a prejudicial question," Jalandoni stressed. "We shall not agree to glossing over this matter and we firmly reject any insinuation that time dedicated to resolving this issue satisfactorily is time wasted."� Jalandoni pointed out that it is the GRP refusal to properly address the issue that has caused the delay.

The NDFP also declared its readiness to do its part in putting into operation the Joint Monitoring Committee and in setting up its Joint Secretariat.� The JMC is an important joint mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL).

Jalandoni called for decisive and speedy action on the part of the GRP to expedite the release of those political prisoners whose orders of release had been signed by the GRP President since 2001, the women especially the nursing mothers, the minors, the sick and elderly and many others who have been charged with common crimes in violation of the Amado V. Hernandez political offense doctrine.

The NDFP also called on the GRP to ensure that the victims of human rights violations during the Marcos dictatorship receive the indemnification due them.� Specifically, the amount of at least P 8 billion or approximately USD 150 million plus interest must be safeguarded for distribution to the almost 10,000 human rights claimants who had won their suit in the US Court.

Jalandoni said the NDFP's Reciprocal Working Committee for Social and Economic Reforms is ready to do its work in the current round of talks. The NDFP is determined to achieve progress in working out a common draft on socio-economic reforms to benefit the people and pave the way for a just and lasting peace. #

Ms. Ruth de Leon
NDF Negotiating Panel Secretariat Head
Telephone: 31-30-2310431
Fax: 31-30-2322989
E-mail: [email protected]

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