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Information Bureau
Communist Party of the Philippines

US behind GMA terrorism all along--CPP
April 12, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines said today that there is actually nothing new in the New York Times's revelation that the imperialist powers, chiefly the US, have all along been behind the Arroyo regime's intensified "anti-terror drives."

CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal said in a statement that the US has always been the one turning the key behind Arroyo's increasing repression of the people in the name of anti-terrorism.

A New York Times April 7 article revealed that the US Charg� d'Affaires Joseph Mussomeli and embassy officials from Great Britain and Australia held a series of supposedly discreet meetings with Arroyo and other officials last March 22 to press Malaca�ang for more.

"Gloria seemed not to be jumping high enough to (US president) Bush's satisfaction," Rosal said, "so her master sent his emissary to make her jump higher. Since then, Malaca�ang has further intensified its hyperactive terror drive at the expense of the people in the name of antiterrorism."

Rosal said there was sudden intensification of repression on Moros, progressives and progressive political parties and innocent people right after the March 22 proddings by US imperialism and its closest coalition partners.

Rosal cited "human rights abuses in Moro communities, including the spate of raids, illegal arrests, tortures, extraction of forced admissions by scapegoats about their alleged 'Abu Sayyaf' and 'Jemaah Islamiyah' connections; the Philippine National Police plan to institute a "Muslim ID system" which is programmed to later expand into a National ID system; Gonzales' mad rantings against progressives and progressive party list organizations."

With Bush's instigation, Gloria is also now insidiuously setting the condition for her clique's massive cheating in the polls to force her "victory" to be followed by a relentless assault against expected massive actions in protest of her poll fraud.

The CPP spokesperson called on the people and all progressive and democratic forces to expose and oppose the despicable puppetry and brutal oppression that the Arroyo regime is inflicting on the nation and people.#

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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