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Communist Party of the Philippines

Arroyo should take steps to stop the violence against progresive party-list groups--Ka Roger
April 30, 2004

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today urgently called on the Arroyo government to immediately put to a halt the spate of violence against the progressive party-list organizations as well as the upsurge of military abuses in many parts of the country.

In an radio interview over DZRH this morning, CPP spokesperson Gregorio "Ka Roger" Rosal disclosed that during the past few weeks, there has been an alarming escalation of killings, harassments and other forms of violence committed against progressive party-list groups, principally Bayan Muna, Anakpawis and Anak ng Bayan.

Rosal said that most of these have been perpetrated by military and police operatives and their covert paramilitary hitmen.

He said further that these fascist forces have continually been harassing and attacking Bayan Muna since it made an outstanding performance in the 2001 elections.

Rosal added, however, that the sudden rise of violence against Bayan Muna and other progressive parties this month was signalled by the vicious anti-communist witchhunt launched by National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales at the onset of the month.

Rosal disclosed that two more activists progressives fell victim today to the recent swell of military violence in the provinces. He said that Roger Perez, vice-chairman of fisherfolk group Pamalakaya-Quezon, was killed while his wife Tina Perez, vice-chairperson of Bayan Muna-Quezon, was seriously wounded after being repeatedly shot last night. Rosal said the pair had just come from a caucus with mayoralty and sangguniang bayan candidates in Pagbilao, Quezon.

The killing of Perez came at the heels of that of Mindoro Anakpawis Secretary General Isaias Manano, Jr., who was gunned down by hooded men on April 28 in Calapan, Mindoro Oriental. Rosal noted that military and paramilitary hits in Mindoro have uniformly been marked with this very same style and method of salvaging progressives and activists.

On April 25, Bayan Muna campaigner Rodolfo Goco was murdered, in Davao City. On April 24, three Lumad Bayan Muna members from the Ata-Manobo tribe, Charlie Mandaya Davao, Ganadi Pinamaylan, and Charlie Utag, were killed by 60th IB Army soldiers in Poblacion, Laac, Compostela Valley.

Rosal said that the three were just having lunch at a carinderia when the 60th IB soldiers arrived and their commander, a certain 2nd Lt. Salcedo shouted that the three are NPAs and ordered his men to shoot them down. Rosal denounced the 60th IB for claiming that the three unarmed and innocent civilians were killed in an encounter with the NPA.

Last April 21, Ronaldo Ian Evidente, Anak ng Bayan-Negros leader, was arrested and imprisoned on a murder charge. Anak ng Bayan complained that the charge was trumped-up and is actually a political ploy, pointing out that Evidente had never received summons for a supposed preliminary hearing of the case. Last April 25, two officers of Anak ng Bayan-Quezon were also arrested in Candelaria, Quezon.

Rosal encouraged the co-workers, families and friends of victims of human rights violations to submit their respective complaints to the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) through the KARAPATAN, a human rights organization deputized by the JMC to assist in monitoring and processing complainst of human rights abuses, or through representatives of the National Democratic Front. The JMC is tasked to monitor compliance of the government and the NDF to with the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.

Rosal challenged the Arroyo government to take immediate corrective measures. "She should immediately and decisively counter Norberto Gonzales' anti-communist witchhunt and order the AFP and PNP to stop once and for all the rising violence against progressive party-list organizations and campaigners."

"Kung hindi ito gagawin ni Arroyo, sisingilin namin siya," Rosal vowed.

Rosal added that by persistently and systematically inflicting terror and violence on against activists of progressive parties and organizations, the government forces are in effect impelling the people to take up arms and join the New People's Army.

The government is "once again proving itself as the No. 1 recruiter of the NPA,� Rosal pointed out.

Anne Buenaventura
Media Officer
Cellphone Number: +63910-240-3553

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